What is the difference between ascension and resurrection

By His resurrection, Jesus Christ gave a most unequivocal and convincing proof to the world of the existence and operation of a divine power, superior to death and the grave, and to all the powers of hell, of sin, and of darkness, in His rising body therefore we behold the total annihilation of the infidel's creed, together with the revival of every virtuous hope, and the vivification, illumination, and support of every virtuous energy. Because I live, you shall live also, is now become the Christian's motto, which he binds for a sign upon his hands, and as frontlets between his eyes, confirming to him the covenant of his god, opening to his delighted view a bright futurity, and encouraging him to run with patience the race that is set before him.

Again, by His ascension, the blessed Jesus announces to all His pious followers, that the father of eternity no longer dwells either in inaccessible light, or inaccessible darkness, but in a visible body or humanity, in which He may be at once seen, known , loved, approached, worshipped and enjoyed by an everlasting conjunction with Him in life and purity. The true believer therefore is no longer perplexed about the object of his worship, but drawing near to the glorified or divine humanity of Jesus Christ, in His ascension-glory, and believing that in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, Col.

John Do you regard then the resurrection and ascension of the redeemer's body as any security for the resurrection and ascension of your own body? If by my own body you mean that material body of flesh and blood which I at present carry about me, I do not conceive that the resurrection and ascension of the blessed Jesus are any security for the resurrection of this body, because I am constrained to believe with St.

Paul, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god, 1 Corin. Nevertheless, though I cannot believe that the material body of flesh and blood will ever be raised after death out of its dark tomb of corruption, yet I am fully persuaded that a spiritual body will be raised, and if the life has been formed according to the laws of heavenly truth and order, will be qualified to live for ever in the enjoyment of bliss in the kingdom of god, In this respect, therefore, the resurrection of Jesus Christ differed from the resurrection of other men, inasmuch as He rose again and ascended into heaven with His whole body complete, leaving nothing behind Him in the tomb; whereas other men rise only with spiritual bodies, agreeable to the words of the blessed Jesus to His disciples after His resurrection, A spirit has not flesh and bones as you see me have, Luke Do you recollect any miracle worked by the blessed Jesus between the period of His resurrection and H is ascension?

Yes; He repeated the miracle of the miraculous drain of fishes recorded by Saint Luke, ch. And in what particulars do the two miracles differ from each other? The miracle worked after the resurrection differs from the former miracle in these two particulars, First, that Jesus ordered the disciples to cast the net on the right side of the ship, and Secondly, that although there were so many fishes , yet was not the net broken, John and And what instruction do you learn from these two circumstances of distinction?

From the divine command to cast the net on the right side of the ship, I learn the important duty binding on all spiritual fishers, or instructors in heavenly truth, to fish, or instruct, under the influence of heaven-born love and charity, and thus to take good heed lest at any time they separate knowledge from the life of knowledge, or truth from its good, or what amounts to the same, the speculative doctrines of faith from the pure and essential life of charity. And from the second remarkable particular of the net not breaking, I learn the further edifying lesson, that if the above command be attended to, the gospel net, in such case, remains entire and unbroken; in other words, the doctrines of evangelical truth preserve their coherence and consistency, no error or heresy can disturb the church, and mankind receive in due measure the light of faith and the life of love, consequently become that blessed church, of which Jesus Christ speaks in another place where He says , The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Can you see any reason why the blessed Jesus, after His resurrection, performed the above miracle in preference to any other? Yes; and the reason appears to be grounded in the representation, or figurative character, of the above miracle, according to which it relates to the formation and establishment of a new church here on earth by the dissemination of evangelical truth or knowledge, which was one great purpose of the lord's coming into the world.

The above miracle, therefore, is in close connection with what He says to His disciples in another place, and this also after His resurrection, Go you therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, Matt.

It should seem, therefore, that the blessed Jesus performed the above miracle in preference to any other, by reason of its superior interest and importance in regard to that glorious new church which He came to establish, and which He was well aware never could be established, unless the ministers and instructors in that church were attentive to that law of His eternal order, to cast the net on the right side of the ship, or, as the words have been above explained, to teach the doctrines of faith under the influence of charity, and thus to take heed, lest selfish and worldly love, the inordinate desires of human glory or gain, should mix themselves with instruction, and in so doing should break the gospel net, by destroying the consistency and coherence of the truths of which it is composed.

But in the history of the above miracle it is recorded, that Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, a hundred and fifty and three, John Yes; there is every good reason to believe, that all numbers mentioned in the sacred Scriptures, or word of god, have a spiritual signification, inasmuch as the word of god throughout must of necessity contain in it spiritual truth, or truth relating to god and His eternal kingdom, and if it did not contain such truth, it could not be the word of god, We are constrained, therefore, to say; that all numbers, which are recorded in the word of god, involve in them something spiritual, and that consequently the number a hundred and fifty and three, which occurs in the history of the above miracle, has a spiritual signification, which applies, not only to the great fishes taken on the occasion, but to those who were signified and represented by the great fishes.

And what do you suppose to be the spiritual import of that number? The number, a hundred and fifty and three, is composed of three distinct numbers, each of which involves in it the idea of what is full, and complete, for the number a hundred, when mentioned alone, involves that idea, in like manner the numbers fifty and three, when each of them is mentioned separately.

The combination then of these three numbers implies what is full and complete in the highest possible degree, and it is accordingly adopted, in the present instance, to denote the full and complete state of the church's increase, whenever the net is cast on the right side of the ship; in other words, whenever evangelical truth is taught under the influence of heaven-born charity.

It is said on this occasion, that Simon Peter went up, because by Peter, as has been observed in treating of a former miracle, is to be understood the principle of faith in the church, and this principle is always elevated, or goes up, whensoever it submits itself to the dominion of charity. For the same reason the fishes here spoken of are called great fishes, because the terms great and greatness, in the word of god, have always respect to the principle of love and charity, communicated from the great and holy god.

Unless some internal spiritual meaning, of this description, had been intended to be expressed by the great fishes here spoken of, also by Simon Peter going up, and likewise by the number a hundred and fifty and three, both the size of the fishes, the ascent of the apostle, and the number, a hundred and fifty and three, would have been things too trivial to have found a place in the sacred volume of divine inspiration, the word of the most high god. What then is the general instruction which you derive from the two miracles of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ?

From these two miracles I am taught to adore the mercy and omnipotence of the incarnate god, manifested in the accomplishment of the most extraordinary and sublime work ever recorded in the page of any history human or divine, I mean the complete victory over death and the powers of darkness announced by the former miracle, and the full and complete union of the, divine and human natures announced by the latter.

In the rising Jesus I therefore behold, to mine unspeakable consolation, a practical comment on those prophetical words, O death, I will be your plagues; O grave, I will be your destruction, Hosea ; and also on those words of His own, I am the resurrection wd the life; he that believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die, John xi 25, In the ascending Jesus also I read another practical comment on His own words, where He says, I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world; again, I leave the world and go to the Father, John ; and in another place, And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to you, John In the rising and ascending Jesus therefore, I behold the signing and sealing of the gospel covenant, together with the completion of all the promises of god, because I see death conquered, the powers of darkness subjugated, god made man, and man made god, heaven thus kept continually open in the divine humanity of the glorified saviour, and all admitted, who are disposed to repent of their sins, and to believe in that manifested god who came to deliver them from the power of sin.

Here therefore I make the interesting and delightful discovery, that there is but one god in the church, and that the lord and saviour Jesus Christ in His divine humanity is that god, being creator from eternity, redeemer in time, and regenerator to eternity. Here therefore I am admitted by the eye of faith, to a participation of the blessed vision seen by the beloved apostle of old, when, as He Himself describes it, He saw seven golden candlesticks, and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Just as Peter had denied Jesus three times, Jesus asks him three times: "do you love me? John 17, Jesus' faithfulness is greater than ours. Jesus saw Peter's weakness, yet he also saw his love for him, and chose to stand by him. Though he saw Peter's limitations, he did not define him by them.

Matthew and Mark both close with the "Great Commission" — Jesus' instruction to his disciples to go out into the world and spread the good news of salvation. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. It is after this command, on which much of the Christian emphasis on sharing the gospel is based, that Jesus is "taken up into heaven".

Jesus' ministry did not end with his death, but continued through his resurrection and into the days before his ascension into heaven.

In this time, he revealed and reaffirmed crucial elements both of his character and his commission. Home News Jesus was born, he died and rose again, before ascending into heaven.

Byzantine painting of Doubting Thomas in Hosios Loukas Monastery, Boeotia, Greece Wikimedia The passion narrative is well known and often accounted both in art and in the Church, but the details of the 40 days between Jesus' resurrection and ascension are far less well known. We know from Acts 1 that he was on earth for 40 days, and that he spent these days with his disciples: "After his suffering, he Jesus presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs of that he was alive.

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The ascension is when Jesus rose into heaven to be with God. The resurrection was when he arose from the dead. The Ascension was went he arose into heaven. Resurrection is when He rose from the dead or grave. Ascension is when He rose from the earth to heaven and see by His disciples. The term "resurrection" is used in the literal sense to mean either the religious concept of the reunion of the spirit and the body of a dead person, or the return to life of a dead person.

The Resurrection of Jesus is an event in the New Testament in which "God raised him from the dead" after his death by crucifixion. It is celebrated by Christians on Easter Sunday. For forty days after the Resurrection, Jesus continued to preach the Gospel. Jesus and the eleven were gathered near Mt. Olivet, to the northeast of Bethany. Jesus tells his disciples that they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and that they will spread his message the world over. Jesus is taken up and received by a cloud.

Two men clothed in white appear and tell the disciples that Jesus will return in the same manner as he was taken. Acts of the Apostles The Christian doctrine of the Ascension holds that Jesus bodily ascended to heaven by His own power in presence of His disciples, following His Resurrection.

It is narrated in Mark , Luke , and in the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. The third day after Jesus died on the cross, he arose from the dead, that is the resurrection. The ascension is when he ascended into Heaven after the encounter with the disciples The resurrection of Jesus was of Him coming back or rising from the dead.


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