It helps to restrict data access. A view contains rows and columns similar to a table. Moreover, the fields or the records of the view can be from one or more tables in the database. Furthermore, there are two types of views. They are the simple view and complex view. Programmer can create a simple view from a single table. It does not contain groups of data, and there is no use of functions.
Finally, the complex view is created from one or more tables. Moreover, it contains groups of data and functions. RDBMS consists of multiple databases, and each database has one or more tables. View is literally a query. Nothing more nothing less. Run this query in our Sample database. Difference is in the behaviour these two behave and the purpose they serve.
We create views to avoid writing same piece of code multiple times on multiple places. For instance : You want to see the departments name against the Department ID with courses from above table. The query will be as follows :. Now you will write this query once , execute it and then what will you do if you need this one more time?
This Scenario is common in Enterprise Applications. You may say , this is not a problem because we can save the files and call them every time. Problem is that when a query executes , it goes through various stages in Database engine. If you run this query 20 times.
Therefore ,This will create bottlenecks for other operations as well. Instead of all this just create a VIEW. This way for the same query , database engine will create query plan and parse the query only once.
Then whenever you call view it will simply execute the query to return results. If you want to know more differences between them, then the differences between View and Table in SQL are as follows:.
The view is treated as a virtual table that is extracted from a database. The table is structured with a set number of columns and a boundless number of columns. A view is additionally a database object which is utilized as a table and inquiry that can be connected to different tables.
The view is utilized to query certain information which is contained in a few distinct tables. The table holds fundamental client information and holds cases of a characterized object. Learn more. Difference between View and table in sql Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. Active 2 years, 8 months ago. Viewed k times.
Improve this question. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Doesn't seem like a duplicate. This post is asking more about how they differ as datatypes, as the selected answer represents. No answer thus far is really satisfying Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.
Aaron Digulla Aaron Digulla k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. So the view is actual a table that was made by a select statement. The view is stored and can be accessed so what would be the different between creating a new table with that information instead of a view.
You can think of a view as a "saved select statement" that you can repeat. It's not really a table; even though some databases allow to create views that have a real table beneath, it's really just a SELECT statement which returns results.
ShwetabhShekhar That depends on your database and the type of view. In the most simple form, the database will execute the SQL as if you had just sent the whole thing.
In this case, you just save sending the many bytes again and again.