MLA 8 Franscisco,. Name required. Email required. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. There is no need to resubmit your comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Written by : Celine. User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages. In terms of rise and run, the rise in the zero slope is 0, and the run in the zero slope is positive.
In the following graph, you can see the representation of zero slope. The line in the below graph is parallel to the x-axis that denotes the zero slope, and y in the zero slope remains the same, no matter what the x is. The undefined slope is opposite of the Zero slope. The difference between the undefined slope and zero slope is tabulated as follows -.
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Fields related to health and trend analysis also use the concept of slope in their day to day activities. Basically, anything which makes use of an angle or steepness can be measured through the formula for the slope. In most cases, a slope is expressed in positive or negative integers. In such cases, an undefined and zero slope comes into existence, wherein the numerator or the denominator is zero. The difference between Undefined Slope and Zero Slope is that an undefined slope means that it has a vertical line whereas, on the other hand, a horizontal line has zero slope.
Zero is the denominator of an Undefined Slope whereas zero is the numerator of a Zero Slope. In simple terms, an Undefined Slope can be defined as a straight line on any graph. It is basically the slope of a vertical line.