What type defeats water pokemon

But these are weak to Fighting type pokemon. Example - a Snorlax will not be hurt by a Gengar using Ghost moves but will die very easy to a Hitmonlee. While weak to Water, Ground and Rock types. The Water type pokemon are super effective against Fire, Ground and Rock type pokemon, while weak to Electric and Grass types. Example - a Blastoise will die very easy to an Electivire or Venusaur but can kill a Charizard, Sandlash or Golem very easy. The Grass type pokemon are very effective against Water, Ground and Rock type pokemon.

While weak to Fire, Poison, Ice and Flying types. The Electric type pokemon are very effective against Water and Flying type pokemon. While weak to Ground types. Example - a Electabuzz will die very easy to a Sandslash but can kill a Blastoise or Pidgeot very easy.

While weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel types. While weak to Flying and Psychic types. Bug-type moves are strong against dark-, grass-, and psychic-type moves. Fire-, flying-, and rock-type moves will do double damage against a bug-type, like Caterpie. Rayquaza, a dragon- and flying-type, takes four times the damage from ice-type moves.

On the flip side, Shuckle, a rock- and bug-type, takes normal damage from fire-type moves, since rock-type is strong against fire-type. To help make it easy, we've outlisted all the relationships between types below in our type chart , allowing you to know when you have the advantage. There have been some new types added in recent years, so keeping track of all of the specific interactions has gotten a little tricky.

Fire Pokemon are weak to Water, Ground, and Rock attacks. This will result in a super-effective damage modifier.

Grass-type Pokemon like Bulbasaur and Oddish can be tricky to face. Bug types are an odd case in the Pokemon world. No Pokemon in Sword and Shield are weak to Normal type. You can however, land super-effective attacks on them by using Fighting type moves.

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