When was lestat turned into a vampire

He also meets this man's daughter, Dora and see's where she lives, an abandoned monestary called St. Elizabeth's ; and shortly after is confronted by his own stalker. He presents himself as Memnoch: The Devil, and requests Lestat's help. Lestat accompanies Memnoch to Heaven and Hell. He meets God, hears the story of creation, see's Christ's passion and the making of Veronica's veil. He visits Hell but decides against helping Memnoch. In escaping Hell he loses his left eye to Memnoch later described as an accident on Memnoch's part.

Lestat gives Veronica's veil to Dora, who uses it to fan the flame of Christianity, which inspires Armand to destroy himself in the sun to affirm the veils authenticity; Mael does the same. Dora gives St. Elizabeth's to Lestat. Maharet returns Lestat's eye and chains him to restrain him after his return he appears to have gone temporarily mad from all he'd seen and experienced.

She gives him a note from Memnoch which thanks him for his help. Lestat dictates this experience to David, and in 'Memnoch The Devil' was published. Lestat, Louis, and Claudia settle together into a town house on the Rue Royale in New Orleans they remain there together for almost sixty years.

Claudia attacks Lestat and throws his body into a swamp. Lestat survives and returns; Louis escapes with Claudia, burning down the townhouse and trapping Lestat inside. Lestat and the band release several videos to accompany the song on the album. Lestat and Louis reunite; Lestat also reunites with his mother Gabrielle. Lestat is abducted by Akasha. He is allowed to drink from her multiple times and is subsequently imbued with many new powers flight, pyrokinesis, etc.

He accompanies her on her worlwide destruction of mortal men. Akasha is destoryed, Mekare resumes her place and The Queen of the Damned, and all survive. Lestat begins writing a book which records his post-concert adventures. Lestat meets David Talbot for the first time. Some time passes before Lestat eventually finds the real David in the human body he had previously possessed.

He's been contacting Lestat's man in Paris and reveals that he's at the Brazilian Talamascan location. Lestat goes to visit him one night. David is quite happy both with his new body and with Lestat's presence even admitting how much he missed him even though David notes that Lestat seems to be very angry and asks him why.

Lestat says that he doesn't know and that his temper has been flaring a lot these days. The first thing Lestat notices is how the much younger body is very harmonious with David in it. He also notes how very attractive his friend now looks and how happy he is. Then as they talk, Lestat learns that David isn't at all ill like how he was when he was in his original body. In fact, David is very healthy. Lestat then reminds David of a conversation of theirs where Lestat told him of a dream of his involving David as a young man in the jungle.

In the dream, David is in a much younger version of his original body and he's being hunted by a very big tiger. In Lestat's dream, little does young David know there's such a gigantic tiger that's hunting him. At first, Lestat is deeply worried for his friend and doesn't know why he dreamt such a thing, but later he comes to conclude that he himself is a very powerful predator and that the huge tiger symbolizes himself in the dream.

So, it is he who is truly hunting David. After talking about the dream again with David, Lestat reveals to David that he's returned to his more evil nature. He also mentions that seeing him was only one of the reasons of why he came. Lestat also came to fulfil his prophetic dream his great desire which is to make David into a vampire.

David is very alarmed by this and reminds Lestat that Lestat once told him that he would never harm him, but just as quickly Lestat willingly admits that he lied.

He lied both to himself and to David and that is what his latest adventure taught him, that he lies. Lestat then mocks David's life's work, tells him that nothing in the whole world can save him, tries to seduce him by telling him that The Talamascans don't really care about him, that he is David's only friend in this world and by how much he loves him.

David puts up a very good and brave fight and says that he'll die first, but in the end, Lestat succeeds.

Lestat promises David that he'll never let him die thus meaning either by an immense loss of blood or by any other type of a mortal's life limits, especially by sickness and old age. Lestat warns him not to fight, but David does anyway which Lestat secretly really enjoys. Lestat also gets David to admit his true feelings for him as David grows weaker, weaker and weaker. Lestat finds tremendously gigantic amounts of happiness in drinking David's blood and sees what a beautiful mind and soul David has.

He mentions that David's blood and soul are extremely delicious. Lestat furthermore refers to David as "his" beautiful friend and even much more intimately and lovingly as "his" beloved David.

He then has David drink from him and Lestat withstands the pain as long as he can. After his transformation is complete, Lestat becomes very proud of his work on making David a real "Blood Drinker". While Lestat views David as being very beautiful mentally, soulfully and physically, he also admits to making David into his strongest fledgling. In other words, Lestat believes that David is his Magnum Opus, his greatest work.

So, thus Lestat in the end wins David, his greatest prize. Meanwhile a very angry and an extremely strong vampiric David then leaves Lestat on his own. Lestat returns to New Orleans a few nights later to see Louis and to his surprise finds David waiting for him. David asks Lestat why he did it and Lestat says that he doesn't know, but then David reveals that he believes that he did it because Letsat's adventure with The Body Thief didn't go the way he wanted it and as a result was jealous and angry that David got the younger body instead.

Although one could argue that Lestat also did it to make David his immortal companion because at the start of the book, Lestat is very lonely and unhappy, but that loneliness and misery diminishes to an extent when he's with David. David is no longer infuriated with Lestat and suggests that he, Louis and Lestat should travel together. They all agree although this doesn't last long because before long Lestat is back in New Orleans on his own. This book is the only book in the series where Lestat brings up the topic of William Blake's very famous poem The Tyger and how he feels very much like the tyger in the poem.

Lestat kills a man called Roger, an evil-doer, only to be haunted by the man's ghost. Lestat is then being stalked by something that he can't see and eventually confronted by the Devil himself. The Devil known as Memnoch claims he wants Lestat to be his assistant. Memnoch claims his function as the ruler of hell is to redeem evil souls so they can go to heaven.

He takes Lestat back in time to ancient Earth to see the evolution of life. He also takes the vampire to both Heaven and Hell. Lestat watches all this in complete shock and confusion. Memnoch then takes Lestat to the time of the crucifixion where Christ himself tells Lestat to take the Veil which Veronica wiped his face with. So Lestat has possession of the Veil with the face of Christ on it. Memnoch in pursuit of Lestat reaches for the Veil but instead pulls out one of Lestat's eyes.

Lestat manages to run away and explains this story to David and Armand who both believe him completely. Lestat also tells the story to Dora, the daughter of Roger. Lestat also gives her the Veil which she takes to the church which drives many vampires to kill themselves and a suicide attempt by Armand. Maharet comes and gives Lestat a letter with his eye in from Memnoch thanking Lestat for his services.

This drives Lestat mad and has to be restrained by special chains made by Maharet using her own hair which is the only thing that can restrain a vampire. Lestat is eventually released once he has calmed down. Lestat then takes to resting on the chapel floor in a catatonic state. No one, not even his mother Gabrielle can rouse him from this state. Lestat remains this way and many vampires come to see him in this state including the vampires who care for him as well as many vampires who've never even met him.

Lestat remains this way until Armand returns alive from his suicide attempt. Armand drinks Lestat's blood and whilst Lestat himself doesn't respond something pushes Armand away. Lestat is eventually awakened by Sybelle, Marius' fledgling and gift to Armand, playing the piano. After this Lestat helps Armand in ridding New Orleans of the many vampires who came to see him by burning them with his mind. Lestat still falls into his unconscious state for most of the time, while sometimes Louis reads to him, or with music playing.

Lestat sometimes sleeps at the flat in the Rue Royale which David and Louis also live in now. Lestat eventually is awakened properly to heal Louis who tried to kill himself. Lestat heals Louis with the help of David and Louis' new fledgling, Merrick Mayfair who is also a witch and member of the Talamasca. The Vampire Chronicles Wiki Explore. Vampires Spirits Angels. Recent blog posts Forum.

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