This is also where you can schedule automatic defragmentation, or start the process manually. To automate defragmentation, select Configure schedule in the Disk Defragmenter window. In the Disk Defragmenter Modify Schedule dialog, select the drop-down menu next to Frequency , Day , and Time to set up the schedule on how often to defragment. Night is best, as defragmenting a drive can suck up a lot of resources which can slow down your computer.
Select Select disks to choose which hard drives to defragment. Select OK once again to get back to the main Disk Defragmenter screen. You should see the scheduled task in the Schedule section. Select Close to complete. We recommend setting up these options, and having defragmentation occur automatically; it's easy to forget to do it manually, and then you end up spending hours defragging when you need to get something else done.
The main Disk Defragmenter lists all the hard drives eligible for defragmentation. To analyze a hard drive, do the following:. In the Current status section of the main Disk Defragmenter screen, select one of the drives and then choose Analyze disk.
The level of fragmentation for the chosen disk is shown in the Last Run column. One of the advantages of Windows 7's defragmenter is that it can defragment multiple hard drives simultaneously. In previous versions, one drive had to be defragged before another one could be. Now, drives can be defragged in parallel. That can be a big timesaver if you have, for example, an internal hard drive, external drive, and a USB drive, and they all need to be defragged.
If you enjoy being bored or are just a geek by nature, you can monitor the status of your defrag session. After selecting Defragment disk assuming you're doing a manual defrag, which you may want to do the first time you defrag under Windows 7 , you are presented with detailed information on how the defrag is going in real time in the Progress column. Disk Defragmenter rearranges the files and free space on your computer so that files are stored in contiguous units and free space is consolidated in one contiguous block.
Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Repair and defragment hard disks Windows 7, Vista Search. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Prior to running a manual defrag, check the schedule within the main Disk Defragmenter window to see whether a defrag has recently been completed. The schedule will display the time and date of the most recent defrag process.
Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Click on "Analyze Disk" within the main Disk Defragmenter window prior to running a manual defrag. The Analyze Disk process will inform you whether or not your computer needs to be defragmented at that particular time. If you are using a computer at a workplace or on a public network, you may need an administrator password to run the Windows 7 Disk Defragmenter.
Schedule an automatic defrag process to run during times your computer is on, but not in use, such as during your lunch break or near the end of your work day.
Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows How to. How to. Co-authors: 4. Updated: March 29, Categories: Windows 7. Italiano: Deframmentare in Windows 7. Bahasa Indonesia: Defrag Windows 7. Nederlands: Windows 7 defragmenteren. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times.