Our team of Computational Fluid Dynamic experts is key to Wavegarden's success. Crucially, this cross-referencing and validation of computer simulations permits the continuous calibration of design tools.
Surfers of all levels, from newcomers to the top competitors in the world, have tested the waves in the full-scale facility and their feedback has been instrumental in the development process. Experience the thrill of The Wave this winter Find your wave, there's something for everyone Book your surf session. Take a breath of fresh air.
Christmas Parties at The Wave This year it feels more important than ever to bring teams together, to have some fun and enjoy the work Christmas party! Find out more and see our availability here. We're recruiting! Unplug and reconnect at The Wave this Spring Book your surf button brush. How scary is it? The name is loosely translated as 'to sever the head' or 'place of skulls'. How does it work? The ocean approaching the reef is incredibly deep, but the reef itself is very shallow.
On a big swell, water is pulled off the reef and then quickly re-deposited back on it. Hopefully without you. Pipeline — the world's deadliest wave. All eyes on Pipeline during This Is Live. Location: North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii. Fear factor : 8.
If you can snag one from the local pack. For a while in the early part of the 20th century, both local and visiting surfers to Oahu's North Shore didn't consider Pipeline surfable. It broke fast, hollow and so steep that its walls appeared to be inverted. Fitting the surfboard of the day — huge, foot-plus things — seemed, and pretty much was, impossible.
Guys like Phil Edwards and Gerry Lopez gave it a go anyway, and as surfboards became shorter, lighter, and more high-tech, Pipeline became the Mecca for tube riding. It's danger however has never ceased. The one name that details the brutal break to perfection is "Cape Fear. Get a good pair of binoculars and watch those who dare to defy death. Share this article.
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