Experience the bible. Matthew in Context. Play Video. Full Video: Matthew 2 Min by Bibles. Watch on Vimeo. Matthew Short Video 1 Min by Bibles. What Is the Lord's Prayer? Article: 7 Min. How to Pray the Lord's Prayer. Video: 2 Min.
The Lord's Prayer. Spotify Apple Youtube. Article: 10 Min. Video: 8 Min. Video: 4 Min. Teach Us to Pray. Article: 5 Min. Our Prayer Instincts Are Backwards. Our Father in Heaven Message: 40 Min. The Basis of our Prayer: Our Father.
Article: 1 Min. Hallowed be Your Name Message: 30 Min. Hallowed Be Thy Name. Philippians NIV. Your Kingdom Come Your kingdom come, your will be done. Daniel NIV. Thy Kingdom Come.
See quote source. Coming Attractions. Your Will be Done Psalm NKJV. Thy Will. William Barclay. Give Us Our Daily Bread Folk Country Gospel. Your Love Is Strong. The Character of God. Read the story of how we got the phrase, "daily bread," and where it first shows up in the Bible. Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Forgive Us Our Debts Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven. Forgive Us Our Trespasses. B2B Publishing. Business Visionaries.
Hot Property. Share Tweet Save. The Lord's Prayer - Matthew "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. Luke Chapter Parallel Compare. And lead us not into temptation. Matthew The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed.
If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. There are then seven petitions. The first requests are contected with the worship of God "Hallowed be thy name" and His ways.
The next four concern the needs of man - his physical " Give us today our daily bread " , mental with temptation spiritual against evil and relational needs forgiveness. The prayer then concludes with a doxology. Go to line-by-line commentary The Lord's Prayer click to enlarge The Lord's prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals. John Calvin was part of the reformation movement of the sixteenth century. His most notable theological stance is the belief that God is sovereign in the matters of salvation and election.
Alexander Maclaren was a English Baptist minister. He is most famous for his expository style, drawing on examples from life and nature to develop biblical truths.