Where to get tome of blacksmithing

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Forgot your username or password? Tomes of Blacksmithing were a type of Pages of Training which were used by the Blacksmith to train and increase the mastery of his craft.

They had an Item Level of 51 and required a character level of 1. They could be stacked up to a maximum of Teach a man to forge and you can raise an army.

The description is a reference to the common saying "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". Regular Salvaged and Dropped Materials. Diablo Wiki Explore. Game want to boost. Just a Hobby Raise the Jeweler to level Diablo III walkthrough. Hide ads. Vermigs , 02 Oct 06 Sep 30 Jun You will need multiple playthroughs to obtain this and the Blacksmithing counterpart.

To get past level 4 jewelcrafting, you will need several Pages of Jewelcrafting. For me, they started to drop in Nightmare difficulty and I had more than enough by the time I had made it to your first encounter with Maghda in Act 1. The highest level you can get to with the pages is 6 and to advance further you need Tomes of Jewelcrafting. You can start to craft Tomes of Jewelcrafting on Nightmare. They require 10 Pages of Jewelcrafting and 10 gold pieces. To craft the tomes, move to the armor section on the blacksmith and choose the bag.


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