The constellation is made up of four bright stars arranged in a crucifix and a smaller fifth star at the bottom right. The Southern Cross is portrayed in the flag of some countries in the Southern Hemisphere to represent their geographical position.
The larger seven-pointed star Commonwealth Star below the Union Jack represents the states and territories of the country. The flag of Australia resembles but is not identical to the flag of New Zealand. In the acting Prime minister of New Zealand urged Australia to get a new design for its flag. Australia adopted the flag in The flag of Brazil depicts a starry sky on a circular blue background. At first glance, one cannot tell that the flag features the Southern Cross since it is reversed, unlike other flags.
There are 27 stars in the Brazilian flag, each representing a federative unit. The initial flag adopted in had 21 stars, one more was added in to represent the state of Guanabara and another in to represent Acre. The Southern Cross makes a record-breaking flight from America to Australia in Since the Southern Cross has appeared on the flags intended to represent Australia. Combined with the Union Jack on the National Colonial flag and the blue and red ensigns of , it served as an emblem of loyalty and affiliation with the British crown.
Appearing alone on the Eureka flag of , it represented rebellion and a more 'independent' spirit. Trade unions continue to use the Southern Cross in their fight for better conditions for Australian workers.
Southern Cross call of the stars poster promoting British immigration to Australia, , Department of the Interior. The Australian national flag, with the Union Jack and Southern Cross, is used as symbol in the debate on whether Australia should become a republic in this poster from the Australians for Constitutional Monarchy. Australians voted against a proposal for Australia to become a republic at a referendum in National Museum of Australia. Trophy awarded to Miss Australia , Tania Verstak, for service to Queensland industry, about Donated by Tania Young nee Verstak.
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery. This photograph, taken in Brisbane, shows two young dramatic society members performing a patriotic tableau, with a soldier saluting the Australian flag.
The woman symbolises Australia, with a headdress possibly designed to represent the Southern Cross. First Nations people formed images with the stars. By the mid-nineteenth century, the Southern Cross was deeply imbued with all of this symbolism. Dr Bush says that using the image of the Southern Cross on the flag provided a banner that European and North American miners could unite under. As the century wore on, the Eureka flag faded from public memory.
But in the early 20th century, it was revived by the labour movement and became known as a symbol of the working classes. The Southern Cross was also the central emblem of the flag chosen to represent Australia in By this time, Dr Bush says that the Southern Cross had shifted from being a very practical marker of place to being a more abstract symbol.
Although the Southern Cross had been adopted by the government, and established as a symbol of working-class struggle, over time it was also picked up by other factions, Dr Bush says.