Although no radiographs were taken and convenience sampling was employed, the author concluded that Amish children had a surprisingly low dental caries prevalence in spite of inadequate oral health care knowledge.
The report attributed the low rate of sugar diet. However, this circumstance might have changed and there is no updated report based on our knowledge. Despite a growing number of Amish families using modern health care today, health disparities still exist, mainly due to their religious customs and beliefs. At the request of this Amish community, our pediatric dentistry team operated a dental mobile unit DMU for 1 year starting in May Our patient sample was primarily attained through local advertisements, newspapers and referrals from a medical clinic.
This report explains the oral and general health concerns among the Amish children who participated in the mobile dental unit. All charts from the first date of service, May 20, , through May 19, , from the Geauga County site were reviewed.
The state of Ohio is the most populated Amish location in the United of States and Geauga county is the second most Amish populated county in Ohio 1. In Geauga county, in the year , the ratio of dentist to population was ; it was lower than the national weighted average which has a ratio of According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 22, people, age 0 to 17 and births in Geauga County.
Standardized dental caries assessments, including tactile-visual examination and bite-wing radiographs were completed by pediatric dentists or residents, and recorded at the surface level on a tooth chart.
Outcomes were abstracted from the tooth chart: decayed primary teeth dt , primary teeth with either decay or filling dft , decayed permanent teeth DT , and decayed, missing, or filled DMFT permanent teeth. Statistical analysis: Descriptive analysis was performed for Amish children and their parents in the areas of general health, dental accessibility and dental care.
The Institutional Review Board of our institute approved the research protocol. The questionnaires were mainly completed by Amish mothers The mean SD age of the children was Table 1 shows the distribution of general health, which the dentists encountered. The average SD travel distance was Most were uninsured Only 11 children were caries free. The typical Amish child had 6. We have provided many permanent tooth extractions and dentures for teen patients.
Many Amish lost their teeth when they were young. Although we gathered our data from patient charts, we found Amish children had high levels of untreated tooth decay. These families must travel long distances by non-automobile transportation to seek care, and care is often not readily available because of their financial difficulties.
Families use well water to drink and do not access fluoridated water. Although the recruitment of participants is different between convenient population and patients of the mobile dental unit, these clinical findings seemed in stark contrast to the report from a similar Amish community There are some possible reasons poor oral health exists among Amish patients: Amish are fatalistic 16 and do not view preventive care as a priority 17 , which is consistent with reports that many Amish children are not vaccinated 6.
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Do the Amish Have Dentists? Are Their Teeth Often Bad? Do Amish People Go to Dentists? First off, do Amish people ever go to dentists? The answer is yes and no. Are Amish Teeth Healthy? Rebecca from "Breaking Amish" showing off her dentures.
Have friends who also need help with test prep? The concern a modern American might feel for the appearance of their teeth is looked down upon in Amish communities. Since the Amish strictly follow the rules of their community, they would almost never consider going against the grain. One study found that 1 in 3 Amish brush their teeth daily. It is interesting to note that one study performed by a dentistry professor named Bagramian in found that the Amish have fewer cavities and lower rates of gum disease compared to the general population.
Since the Amish follow a healthy diet and avoid sweet snacks, the occurrence of cavities within their communities is half that of the U.
Also, gum disease was found to be 3. The study also found that The Amish look at life very differently from the rest of us, and have a very different set of values than most modern people. I work in the health care sector in Alberta, Canada, and it is common practice for Hutterites to have all their teeth pulled and get dentures as young adults.
This was shared with me by a young Hutterite woman who was a patient of mine. Other religious groups have the same practice. I'm Mennonite with Amish neighbors and what you say is mostly false! So please don't post things until you really really know the difference between Amish groups!!
I think Amish are good and nice people,on this world with a lot of disasters they live in peace and love. I grew up in an Amish community and have always been around the Amish. I have many Amish relatives. I have never heard or seen anything of this nature occuring. My mother always brushed her teeth and taught us to, as well. What you're reporting may be a localized event only occurring in a certain group of Amish.
The Amish to an outsider all look alike. But they have wide and varying beliefs about how to live and care for themselves.
Please don't lump an observation in one Amish settlement on all the Amish settlements. The thought is upsetting but I see their point of view and it is a free country so it is their choice!
Hi, Chris, I am glad to hear that your Amish neighbor and his friends and family adhere to modern dental health practices, but based on broad statistical research, most Amish don't. It can be hard to accept the idea that other groups of people can live in ways that differ so greatly from our own accepted norms. This is one of the things I have found to be so fascinating about studying the Amish and other cultures, which is that, we as humans have an almost infinitesimal way of interpreting what life is all about.
While writing this and other articles about the Amish, I immersed myself so deeply in the topic, that my friends and family thought I might become Amish myself, but it was simply my curiosity that kept me intrigued.
Yes, I agree with you, it is their way. I can't help but hear Thomas Jefferson's "We hold these truths to be self evident The U. This can be a controversial topic as you may have noticed in the comments of this article.
Chandrabee, I understand where you are coming from, but dentures don't always look good. They function, yes, but are still a substitute for healthy teeth. They are needed for eating, and eating is a necessity. Plus, when dentures are removed for cleaning, the face hollows out.
You may recall images of George Washington, who had an affinity for sweets and lost his teeth prematurely causing his face to take on a new shape. Wow, people will write anything about The Amish on the internet. It think this is akin to circumsision of female genitalia. If an adult is making this decision for themselves, that's one thing. But, making that decision for a child violates that child's right to their own body.
Let each person make that sort of decision for themselves when they reach the age of reason. Basically we have a crime of mutilation a procedure that cannot be reversed. What if my religious belief was to permanently rip out everyone's finger nails. Many people are shocked to learn that the amish dont care much for the health and appearance of their teeth.
Having healthy teeth pulled. I live in a rural area where a lot of amish reside and i see amish people in my dentists office almost every time i go. Only your baby teeth will be replaced with other teeth when they are pulled or fall out. The main stream amish affiliations do not have their teeth pulled for no good reason.
On breaking amish rebecca revealed that her parents chose for the local amish dentist to remove all of her teeth when she was 19 years old as this is a common amish tradition. There are a number of amish reality tv shows that have introduced the concept of having a healthy set of teeth pulled out even at a young age. Obsessed With Breaking Amish. Why Do Amish Pull Teeth.