Why does hulk chase black widow

Rogers asked Romanoff for her status while she was in the middle of a fight with a few pirates. Romanoff on board the Lemurian Star. Romanoff secured the room and defeated the final pirate with a blow to the face using a steel pipe. She then proceeded with her mission to retrieve confidential information regarding Project Insight on a flash drive. When Rogers incapacitated Batroc, he discovered Romanoff's real mission of downloading encrypted S.

She insisted that his mission was to rescue the hostages, while hers was to secure the intel on the Lemurian Star. As they were arguing about the mission, Batroc threw a grenade at them which Rogers knocked away while Romanoff shot the glass, and the two jumped through the window, just getting clear of the blast.

Romanoff took responsibility for Batroc escaping and the two made their way back to the Quinjet. Romanoff witnesses Nick Fury 's surgery. Romanoff met up with Steve Rogers at the hospital and witnessed Nick Fury being operated on.

She asked Rogers about the shooter; he responded that the assailant was fast, strong and had a metal arm. This description seemingly confirmed to Romanoff that the assassin who shot Fury near Rogers' apartment was the Winter Soldier. As Maria Hill joined them, she told the two the ballistics were untraceable, and Romanoff provided the fact that the bullets were Soviet-made.

Romanoff is informed of Nick Fury 's shooter. The three then watched as the doctors attempted to revive Fury but were failing to do so as he was shot multiple times near the heart. Fury's unsuccessful surgery left Romanoff devastated as she watched the doctors announce that he was deceased. As Fury seemingly died due to his many injuries, she mourned his "death" and urged him not to die on her.

Romanoff was ultimately forced to say her goodbyes to Fury when Hill told them that she needed to take his body. Romanoff stands by Nick Fury 's "dead" body. Sometime later, Romanoff was allowed to analyze Fury's corpse.

After shedding some tears in private, she sensed Rogers' presence and immediately stormed out of the autopsy room. Romanoff then asked him why Fury was in his apartment the night he was shot, which Rogers claimed not to know, but she could tell that he was lying. Their brief conversation was interrupted by Brock Rumlow , who informed Rogers that S.

Romanoff says her goodbyes to Nick Fury. After Rogers was made a fugitive by Alexander Pierce , he went back to the hospital to retrieve the USB he left in a vending machine behind pieces of gum, only to find it was gone.

Romanoff then approached behind Rogers while chewing gum, implying she had taken it. Rogers then demanded to know the USB's location and what was on it, to which Romanoff told him that it was safe but she didn't know its contents. Romanoff covertly meets with Steve Rogers. Rogers then shared his theory that Fury hired Georges Batroc and his pirates to hijack the Lemurian Star , which Romanoff confirmed, explaining that the ship was dirty and Fury needed a way to obtain the files about the true intentions of Project Insight.

She then told Rogers that Fury was killed by the assassin known as the Winter Soldier and how she had encountered him in during her thwarted mission in Odessa. Romanoff tells the history of the Winter Soldier. Romanoff then warned Rogers that the Winter Soldier was a ghost story, noting that many of the intelligence communities don't believe he even exists. She also provided Rogers advice that going after him is a dead end since she had tried for years to uncover the Winter Soldier's true identity after their first confrontation but failed to do so.

Rogers still insisted that they find the assassin. Romanoff was then deemed an ally by him, who decided to uncover the mystery behind Project Insight with her.

Romanoff and Steve Rogers go undercover. Romanoff, who was now also on the run from S. She was unable to override the drive's protective A. Aaron asked if the two needed help and Romanoff answered that she and Rogers were looking up honeymoon destinations as the USB located where the files came from: Wheaton , New Jersey.

Romanoff kisses Steve Rogers. The conversation shifted as Aaron claimed to have the same glasses that Steve was wearing as part of his disguise, followed by an awkward silence as Romanoff agreed with him. The two left the store moments later, only to discover that the STRIKE unit had already arrived at the mall searching for them. Romanoff speaks to Rogers in their stolen car.

They stole a car and drove to Camp Lehigh in New Jersey. The two talked during the drive, including Romanoff asking if the time they kissed in the mall was the first kiss Rogers had since At first, Romanoff thought the base was a dead end due to there being no heat signatures of radio signals, making her believe whoever wrote the files must have used a router to throw people off.

Romanoff in the original S. Rogers then discovered a building that was in the wrong location in the base and they entered. There, the pair found a secret storage room full of old computers inside an abandoned S. They also discovered a more modern looking USB slot and inserted the drive.

Having opened and activated the USB files, Romanoff quoted a line from an old movie , asking Rogers if he had watched it, which he affirmed. The computers powered up and someone began to talk to them. The computerized voice greeted Romanoff and Rogers by their full names and birth dates, much to their surprise. The voice turned out to be Arnim Zola , who had transferred his mind into the S. Romanoff identified Zola as a member of Operation Paperclip , which involved S.

When Rogers noted that HYDRA died with the Red Skull 's demise, Zola countered his statement, revealing that he used his recruitment as an opportunity to revive the organization. To prove this to the two oblivious S.

Zola then brought up examples of operational anomalies across the globe, implying that HYDRA masterminded, or at least aided, dozens of events that changed history. Romanoff is rescued by Steve Rogers. At the instance upon Zola confirming that HYDRA's plan with Project Insight involved humanity giving up their freedom and gloating that Captain America's death was meaningless, Rogers angrily punched the monitor screen. However, Zola simply appeared on the other computer monitors.

As they tried to extract more information about Project Insight and Zola's algorithm , Romanoff detected a missile that Alexander Pierce had sent to blow up Camp Lehigh. They both took shelter from the blast inside the base, though she was knocked unconscious.

Romanoff takes refuge in Sam Wilson 's house. The next day, Romanoff and Steve Rogers went to seek refuge with Sam Wilson since everyone else they knew was trying to kill them. Romanoff confided in Rogers that when she joined S. Romanoff then asked if Rogers would trust her if it was up to her to save his life and he told her that he trusts her now.

Wilson then interrupted the two to inform them that he made breakfast, which he was unsure if that was something they ate. Romanoff asks Steve Rogers if he trusts her. Romanoff and Rogers began to discuss who had the authority to launch a domestic missile strike at them which Rogers figured out was Alexander Pierce , noting Zola's algorithm was on board the Lemurian Star with Jasper Sitwell.

As the two planned on how to kidnap a S. Romanoff discusses kidnapping Jasper Sitwell. Wilson told them where they could find one of the winged suits and the protection it has, which Romanoff saw as no trouble.

She read the file and to her surprise learned that Wilson was involved in the mission involving the capture of Khalid Khandil in Afghanistan.

Wilson also noted how he lost his best friend and wingman, Riley , during the apprehension. The three geared up and headed towards Jasper Sitwell 's current location to interrogate him. Romanoff kicks Jasper Sitwell off the building. Despite having been interrogated at the top of the roof as a means of intimidating him, Sitwell refused to answer their questions, only taunting Rogers that he could not throw him off the building.

In response, Romanoff to kicked him off the building for Wilson to catch. She then casually brought up another S. Romanoff learning of Arnim Zola 's Algorithm. Terrified, Sitwell finally confessed that HYDRA had hijacked Project Insight , further explaining that Zola's Algorithm was developed to eliminate potential threats to their operations, including Bruce Banner and Stephen Strange , alongside many others.

Still under duress, Sitwell proceeded to reveal that HYDRA's ultimate plan was to use the Insight Helicarriers to eliminate the list of threats directly from the Triskelion. Romanoff is attacked by the Winter Soldier. As Romanoff, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson drove their way to infiltrate the Triskelion , they were interrupted by an attack from the Winter Soldier who jumped on their car and threw Jasper Sitwell out, killing him.

Romanoff went to shoot the Winter Soldier when an oncoming car ran into them from behind, causing her to drop her gun. When the Winter Soldier caused the car to crash, Rogers grabbed Romanoff and Wilson before jumping out of the moving vehicle. While Rogers crashed into a bus, Romanoff and Wilson came under heavy fire.

As the Winter Soldier and HYDRA mercenaries shot at the two, Romanoff continued to shoot back at them while hiding behind a car, until the Winter Soldier shot the car shielding her with one of his grenade launchers, forcing her onto the intersecting highway. Romanoff ran away from the incoming cars and used her bite to grapple off the bridge while a car fell off and exploded behind her.

Romanoff shoots at the Winter Soldier. As the firefight continued, Romanoff attempted to outrun the Winter Soldier, only for her to see his shadow waiting for her above the highway.

She then decided to trick the assassin into thinking that he killed her. Believing that he successfully killed Romanoff, the Winter Soldier attempted to shoot at a bus' engine to cause an explosion, until she suddenly shot the assassin in his face from the ground. Romanoff then used that opportunity to move behind the bus for protection. Romanoff tries to outrun the Winter Soldier. However, the Winter Soldier survived due to his protective goggles and responded by shooting in Romanoff's direction with his gun.

As the two spies exchanged gunfire, Romanoff decided to run in the hope to escape but the Winter Soldier personally decided to pursue her while the mercenaries were dispatched to find and kill Rogers. Knowing she could not escape the Winter Soldier, Romanoff distracted him with a radio message on her phone, letting her get the jump on him.

As the car exploded, however, the Winter Soldier immediately discerned the trick and turned around to continue looking for her. Romanoff strangles the Winter Soldier.

When the Winter Soldier spotted her, he engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with Romanoff. She was able to use her skills as a former spy to utilize deception and gadgets in order to gain the upper hand against her opponent despite his enhanced physiology. Romanoff managed to temporarily subdue the Winter Soldier and attempted to strangle him. However, he threw her off and attempted to shoot her until Romanoff disabled his prosthetic arm with her taser disk.

Romanoff fires at the Winter Soldier. After briefly incapacitating the Winter Soldier, Romanoff continued to run, urging civilians to get out of harm's way, until she was shot in the shoulder.

As the Winter Soldier was about to finally eliminate Romanoff, Rogers interrupted their fight, saving her. Rogers then fought the Winter Soldier himself until his mask was removed, revealing himself to be Bucky Barnes , whom Rogers thought died during the Capture of Arnim Zola decades ago.

Before the Winter Soldier could shoot Rogers, Romanoff saved him by firing a grenade launcher, causing the Soldier to flee. Wilson asked how it was possible given that the last time Steve saw Bucky was 70 years ago. As Rogers deduced that Arnim Zola was most likely the mastermind behind Bucky's transformation into the assassin that he currently was, Romanoff assured Steve that it wasn't his fault. Romanoff is rescued by Maria Hill. Wilson could see the Romanoff needed a doctor as she was losing blood from her gunshot wound and insisted one of the STRIKE guards to treat her injury.

One of the guards drew an electric rod as a threat; however, the guard threatening them instead neutralized the other STRIKE operative sitting across from them. Romanoff learns that Nick Fury is alive. Hill took them to a secret facility where an alive Nick Fury shocked Romanoff. She was then taken to Dr. Fine , who treated her gunshot wound as Fury told them how he faked his death: He used a drug developed by Bruce Banner , Tetrodotoxin B , to relieve stress. After Romanoff was bandaged up, Hill and Fury revealed that there was a plan in place to stop Project Insight by disabling it inside the Triskelion.

However, Rogers seized control of the mission much to Fury's dismay, claiming that S. The group agreed that in the end all of it, both S. Romanoff wearing the Photostatic Veil. She then began disabling security protocols, releasing all of S. Romanoff releases S. When the encryption needed to be disabled, which required two Alpha Level members, Romanoff told Pierce that company was coming right as Nick Fury arrived.

Fury and Pierce gave their authorizations to release all of the files and Romanoff quickly noted that it was trending on the Internet.

Pierce then activated a trigger on his phone causing all of the council members to die from fatal chest shots due to their security tags except for Romanoff's. Romanoff aims her gun at Alexander Pierce. As Captain America and Falcon were successful in destroying the Helicarriers , Romanoff was ordered by Pierce to accompany him in his attempted escape, claiming that she was going to fly with him to an undisclosed location as his hostage.

However, Romanoff used her bite to short out her security tag, knocking herself out and letting Fury shoot Pierce, killing him. Fury then checked on the unconscious Romanoff, who awoke shortly after, commenting on how much her weapon stung. Romanoff and Fury then piloted the helicopter and flew to Falcon's location, where the final Helicarrier was crashing into the side of the building, destroying much of the Triskelion.

They flew the chopper around the northwest corner to catch Falcon, who dove out of the window and fell through the chopper, but Romanoff caught and pulled him up. The three then flew away as Romanoff asked Hill if she knew where Captain America was.

Romanoff attending a government inquiry. When asked why no one has heard from Steve Rogers , Romanoff noted that she believed there was nothing more for him to say due to the wreck in the middle of the Potomac making his point. Scudder pointed out that Romanoff was responsible for handing out those lies. When it was brought to attention that Romanoff should be arrested, she insisted that she and the other agents who fought against HYDRA in its downfall would not be arrested because they are the best qualified to protect the world.

Romanoff then left the inquiry, confident of her future within the Avengers. However, now that S. Romanoff gives over the Winter Soldier file. At the personal request of Steve Rogers , Romanoff had contacted some of her acquaintances in Kiev who sent her an old top-secret document about the Winter Soldier and his own long history working for HYDRA.

Romanoff says goodbye to Steve Rogers. Later, Romanoff stopped by Nick Fury 's fake grave and told Rogers that she wasn't going with Fury nor staying, since she had blown all her covers and needed new ones. Romanoff gave the document to Rogers and requested him to call Sharon Carter in return before kissing him goodbye.

As she left, Romanoff advised Rogers to be careful before digging deeper into finding Bucky Barnes, warning him that he may not want to cause himself more trouble. A few months later, after Phil Coulson 's reorganization of S. Finding a platoon of armed soldiers there, Romanoff had J. When Thor pointed out that the Scepter must be at the base at long last, Black Widow said that the long last was lasting a little longer. When Hawkeye was injured, Black Widow immediately went to aid and told the others that they needed to evacuate.

Captain America told Black Widow to get to Hulk and calm him down. As Black Widow approached Hulk, she took off her gloves and began the lullaby method to calm him down.

Black Widow calms Hulk down with the lullaby. The lullaby worked and it caused Hulk to calm down and transform back into Bruce Banner. On the way back to Avengers Tower , Romanoff told Banner that the lullaby worked better than ever although he was not expecting the battle to need Hulk. Romanoff then told Banner that Barton would have been killed if he had not fought. Seeing that this upset Banner, Thor told him that many of the injuries he inflicted on the soldiers were nonfatal.

Bruce Banner and Romanoff after their battle. When the Avengers returned from Sokovia , Romanoff stayed by Clint Barton 's side while his injured skin was being repaired by Helen Cho using a device called the Regeneration Cradle.

Romanoff asked if her friend was going to be ok and she joked that pretending to need him brought the team together. Bruce Banner explained what the Cradle is and Cho mentioned that Barton's girlfriend wouldn't even be able to notice the difference which Barton told her that he did not have a girlfriend, not mentioning his wife which only he and Romanoff knew about.

Romanoff flirts with Bruce Banner. During the Party, Romanoff talked with James Rhodes and bartended for the guests. Romanoff flirted with Bruce Banner , so he would understand that she had feelings for him.

Romanoff told Banner about how all her friends are fighters except him as he stays out of the fight as he knows he would win. Before long many of the guests had departed leaving on the Avengers and a few others. Romanoff watched as the Avengers failed at lifting the hammer and when Banner's turn came, he pretended to turn into Hulk, which none of the others found funny, except Romanoff.

Romanoff and Bruce Banner see Ultron. The party was interrupted when one of Tony Stark 's Iron Legion made a surprise appearance, and after admitting that it was the result of Stark's Ultron Program mixed with his research into the scepter, it and several more like it, attacked the group.

Romanoff took cover behind the bar and dragged Bruce Banner after her causing him to fall on her, which she reminded him to transform into Hulk. She then drew a pistol concealed under the bar to help with the fight. Romanoff shoots at the Ultron prototype. She then covered Banner, shooting at the attacker, as the two made their way to a safer sort upstairs. However, the attack was a diversion, and one of the robots made off with the scepter while the Avengers and their friends were engaged in battle.

Eventually, all the armors were defeated except for the first Iron Legion who announced his intentions to end the Avengers to achieve his idea of peace and save the world. Romanoff during the Avengers argument. After the brief fight, the team discussed what had occurred. Romanoff said that Ultron had deleted all their files and that he was in the surveillance. She also said that he maybe knew about them more they knew about each other.

Tony Stark admitted his involvement in the creation of Ultron, although he still strongly defended the idea as he believed it was a beneficial plan to save the world. Thor , clearly furious at Stark's recklessness, charged in and grabbed Stark by the throat, but Steve Rogers was able to calm him down. The Avengers learn of Wolfgang von Strucker. The team later learned that Ultron had sent them a message by murdering Wolfgang von Strucker in his prison cell and leaving the word "peace" written in his blood as a message to the Avengers about his future plans.

Together, they worked out that Ultron's next target was Vibranium and he would get that from Ulysses Klaue , an arms dealer and a former associate of von Strucker, in Johannesburg , South Africa. Black Widow fighting Ulysses Klaue 's mercs.

When reports of robots attacking sources of Vibranium began surfacing, the Avengers raced to a coastal scrapyard in Africa , where they found Ultron , along with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch , taking the Vibranium. As peaceful negotiations quickly failed, Ultron and the Maximoffs attacked, at the same time Ulysses Klaue sent his mercenaries to attack the Avengers.

Black Widow is hypnotized by Scarlet Witch. Black Widow took down many of Klaue's men to protect the rest of the Avengers from attack as they took down the Ultron Sentries. Klaue's men then turned their attention to Hawkeye, who managed to take them down and clear the area.

Black Widow was then incapacitated when Wanda Maximoff snuck up behind Widow and inflicted a nightmarish vision upon her. Widow languished in a scene from her past while the fight carried on around her and the enemy made their escape.

Romanoff in her vision of the Red Room. In the vision that Scarlet Witch had inflicted upon Romanoff, she woke up and relived experiences in the Red Room Academy the place she had grown up in and was trained to be an assassin. Romanoff walked down the stairs where she came across Madame B. Romanoff displayed worry of failing, but Madame B. Romanoff then shot at a few targets followed by a human who she then executed.

Romanoff proceeded to relive her experiences during her graduation, doing some training where she was holding back so she wouldn't have to go through the ceremony. Madame B. Romanoff was then sterilized, to avoid any distractions and focus solely on her missions. Black Widow is affected by Scarlet Witch. As half of the Avengers were suffering from Wanda Maximoff 's nightmares, Iron Man was chasing after Hulk , who had also fallen victim to Wanda's powers and was on a rampage. Iron Man requested Romanoff to give Hulk his lullaby method to calm him down, but Hawkeye informed him that she was not going to be able to help him as she was disoriented by the visions.

As the Avengers retreated in the Quinjet , Romanoff, along with Steve Rogers , Thor and Bruce Banner remained temporarily scarred by what they saw in the visions.

The Avengers sit defeated in the Quinjet. Still suffering from the effects along with the rest of the Avengers , Romanoff was forced to make a quick escape to the Quinjet not being able to give Hulk his lullaby. Iron Man was then forced to stop Hulk 's current destructive rampage through Johannesburg, as Banner was also affected by Wanda Maximoff 's powers. The Avengers arrive at Clint Barton 's home. The Avengers become unpopular due to a massive battle between Hulk and Iron Man in his "Hulkbuster" armor in the middle of South Africa ; at the same time, many of the members were still suffering from the effects of Maximoff's visions.

Maria Hill stated that there was no information about Banner's arrest order yet. Knowing they needed to get away and recover, Clint Barton flew the team to his homestead , realizing that no one would be able to find them there.

Romanoff checks on Laura Barton 's baby. The Avengers arrived at Barton's homestead, where Barton helped Romanoff make her way into the house as she was still haunted by the ghosts of her past. Soon though, Romanoff's troubles washed away when she was warmly greeted by Laura Barton and their two children, Cooper and Lila , who consider her family by calling her "Auntie Nat. Romanoff and Bruce Banner consider a life. Need more proof? Here are 10 of the most shameless things he did in the MCU.

We've seen Hulk many times before in the s he's had two movies already , but his first appearance in The Avengers back in is still breathtaking, partly because Black Widow got the brunt of it. The Hulk, upon transforming due to stress and a perceived threat, suddenly starts chasing and attacking anything that moves It just so happens that even Black Widow isn't exempted from this. She might have been the peak of human physical potential, but Black Widow is a delicate ant compared to the Hulk.

Even so, Hulk obviously had the intent to kill and harm her-- he succeeded on the latter. If not for Thor's intervention, Black Widow could have died earlier in the franchise. If Hulk only put his expertise to positive use, he would have made the demolition industry go bankrupt. The angry guy could easily flatten a high-rise building in a matter of minutes and probably even create a sinkhole to hide all the trash.

Sadly, Hulk doesn't do this productively or charitably. Destroying buildings is a mere result of his collateral damage when fighting his enemies or pretty much any other action.

No government, private, or personal property is safe when the Hulk is around. Sure, people might be thankful that he saved a city, but usually, that city is pretty much uninhabitable afterward. Even after one-upping Thor with that sucker-punch in the first movie, it seems Hulk's insecurities to the Asgardian never let up and went with him to Sakaar.

That's why when the two of them met again on the planet in Thor: Ragnarok, things got a little too out of hand. Thor was expecting a friendly welcome, but the Hulk was somewhere else entirely. During that whole war there was no military fighter planes which were sent by the defense. If Hulk encountered a fighter plane then what you think he would have thought about it? Assuming Banner had gained complete control of Hulk whichseems likely , he surely does know what to do, Hulk isn't a complete child devoid of any consciousness, he's just a wilder and more primitive version of Banner.

And Banner certainly knows what a fighter jet is. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Ford Mike. Ford 7, 22 22 silver badges 46 46 bronze badges. Superb man I had never thought of this "Hulk protecting Banner concept" A lot Black Widow's the most apparent threat mid-disaster even if she never actually attacked him when the Hulk first emerges, as well as being insulting to him via fearing him.

Then Thor attacks, then the jet attacks, both, in turn, diverting his attention. There are two specific ways I see this being done. If Ross has become frustrated with how the U. In that form, Ross would finally have the raw power to battle Hulk and any other superpowered being who stands in his way, though instead of becoming stronger as his anger increases, Red Hulk emits more heat. From there, Ross could either return to being a more straightforward antagonist, like he was in The Incredible Hulk , or he could operate as more of an anti-hero; dealing with villains as he saw fit, but not fully aligning himself with the "standard" superheroes.


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