Wot how does eagle eye work

I have it for my Tiger II but it's not in use yet. It doesn't seem useless at all. If I know a gun is damaged or a ammo rack is, I'm more inclined to bum rush him since he can't fight back very well. If I see a turret is damaged I'll go around. Hell, this could help you ammo rack people since you'd know when to shoot the rack to finish em off. Many different possibilities it looks like. I'll let you know when I get there.

As I primarily play Sniper and call in shots for the team I am hoping this will be useful. I am tired of hearing "critical hit" but not knowing what was damaged. Mic is handy to inform your team mates. However I do agree with DbulHelix it's an item that could have waited. Pays to thoroughly read the notes properly and not rush into things. What happens if you hit an already damaged module? Do you delay repair?

Pulled a dmg hit into an E5 a week or so ago. Caught a Conqueror for once too. Both times I was in my M I've never used the skill until very recently putting it on my Amx crew, which is used in the ELC Even 90, and Amx 13 57 as well.

I only put it on the crew, as they popped into their 8th set of skills last week, and we had a retraining event over the weekend. There are times when I am sitting still in all 3 tanks requesting fire at an enemy, as well as of course dumping shells from their auto loaders into an enemy which of course requires much more than 4 seconds If you're camping in the back, chances are you're not the one spotting the targets, thereby eagle eye will not show. For that reason, Eagle eye is not a good option most of the time when there are so many other options.

For small crews of course there are better earlier skill allocations. But what would you use that I don't have already accounted for? Eagle Eye perk use to be very handy back in the day when Repair Kits and Medical Kits were only single-use, unlike today when they can be re-used after the 90 second cool-down.

For example, seeing an enemy tank get tracked and instantly fix them told you that he used his Repair Kit. Later on if he was hit again and Eagle Eye perk let you know that his Ammo Rack was now busted he was stuck with a very long reload time -- you might then be able to pull out and shoot him two or three times before he could reload.

MM system feeds me with teams of horrible players I find I gotta keep looking for targets before getting overwhelmed so cannot focus on 1 tank for any length of time to have gun locked on for so long. ThePigSheFlies, on Dec 02 - , said:. So I guess the best application is on a stealth light?

Could pass the info to those you're spotting for, especially when using voice comms. I find it pretty useful indeed on the because it takes a long time to dump the clip, and with it only being 4 seconds to activate despite the OP's hilarious statement that it "takes forever" it's a no brainer if you have a ton of skills on said tank.

I can see it being useful on a high dpm regular tank with high skill count as well, such as the e I think that my ebr will only find it useful in very limited occurrences on the largest of maps, or like front lines.

I've got it researched on a few commanders now but it rarely ever seems to work? Do you have to keep the target in the sights for 10 secs or something? Edited by Miller, 07 December - PM. Miller, on 07 December - PM, said: Is this actually working as intended? I don't think I've ever seen it in action. I take it on some tanks just for fun, it is super rare it is actually usefull. But on some tanks you run out of skills to take. I mean a Maus for example dont really need Cammo skill.

The cumulative effect of these Bonuses and Penalties results in an overall Effective Training Level See that section below for the vehicle which includes Bonus additions and Penalty reductions used by the game mechanics to calculate your vehicle's performance in battle. The calculations are dynamic and change as Bonuses and Penalties change throughout the battle. At the conclusion of the battle, the net effect of all of the Bonuses and Penalties applied during the game will have an effect upon the amount of experience earned in the battle by the vehicle and by each crew member.

Bonuses that Impact Crew Experience and Crew Training Levels The following Bonuses increase the Effective Training Level of your crew members and may also increase the amount of experience they earn in a battle. There is also a Penalty that may apply to the amount of experience the crew member earns towards increasing their Training Level for that particular battle. Penalties are always applied before Bonuses in game mechanics calculations.

The Training Level for a crew member's Major Qualification and their Skills and Perks can be found by hovering the cursor over a crew member's icon in the crew panel in the garage. These Training Levels do not tell the whole story because they do not take into account any applicable Bonuses or Penalties that may be affecting the actual Training Level used in games mechanics calculations, the Effective Training Level.

The Effective Training Level can be calculated using the Bonuses and Penalties that are known to be applied. Multiple Roles - Some vehicles in game have more than one Gunner, Loader, and Radio Operator on board in a normal crew complement. If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Major Qualification, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in that role.

If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Common Skills, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in the Common Skills. In a situation where multiple crewmen on the same vehicle both hold a role-specific Skill then the only one that will apply in battle mechanics and vehicle perforance calculations will be the one with the higher Skill Training Level.

There are separate ranks for each nation. A crewman's rank also depends on their role. Loaders and Radio Operators start at the lowest rank and may only advance to the third-highest rank. Drivers and Gunners start out one rank higher and may advance to the second-highest rank.

Commanders start out two ranks higher and may advance to the highest rank. Welcome to Wargaming. Page Discussion. View Source View history. Jump to: navigation , search. Your location:. Do not show this dialog again. The Repair Skill improves a crew member's ability to repair a module that has been damaged or knocked out. The Repair Skill effect is cumulative with that of any installed Toolbox equipment. The higher this Skill's Training Level the faster repairs are completed. The Repairs effect starts as soon as a module is damaged.

The Repair Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire. The effective Repairs Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew.

Quick repairs are essential for vehicles where returning to operational condition as quickly as possible is paramount, such as fast tanks which rely on their speed or heavy tanks, which take a long time to repair.

The Firefighting Skill improves the crew member's ability to put out a fire, should a vehicle ever be unlucky enough to be in such a situation. The Firefighting Skill takes effect immediately when the vehicle catches fire. The higher the Training Level for this Skill, the faster a fire is put out and the less the amount of damage per second the fire does to the vehicle before it is extinguished. The Firefighting Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire.

The effective Firefighting Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew. Firefighting Skills are more useful for large vehicles that can stand to take some damage before being utterly destroyed, but purchasing the player controlled and consumable Manual or Automatic Fire Extinguisher is generally more effective in preventing fire from spreading to other modules or destroying the vehicle.

The Concealment Skill improves the crew member's ability to help increase the vehicle's Camouflage capability and hide the vehicle from enemies. A higher Training Level lowers the chances that the vehicle will be spotted by the enemy, requiring enemies to be closer in order to detect your vehicle.

The Concealment Skill effect is cumulative with that of any installed Camouflage Net equipment. The Concealment Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire.

The effective Concealment Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew. The Concealment Skill is always active and the overall effect on the vehicle depends on the the vehicle's inherent camouflage rating. See the interactive Camo Rating here. If the Commander's Mentor Skill Training Level increases during the battle, the crew will benefit from the increase.

Useful on any tank you plan to keep indefinitely. The Recon Skill progressively increases your vehicle's View Range. For every percentage point of the Commander's Training Level an amount of 0. Additionally, but only in the event of battle damage to an observation device, effect will increase to 0. The Jack of All Trades Skill enables the Commander to fill in for and perform the role of any wounded or killed crew members.

The replacement starts immediately upon injury or death of a crew member, but is limited to the Skill's current Training Level x 0. If additional crew members are knocked out then the effect is divided evenly between the additional knocked out crew members.

The Jack of All Trades Skill is useful for large vehicles that can be expected to take a lot of damage dangerous to the crew, but purchasing the player controlled and consumable Large or Small First Aid Kit is generally more effective. Primarily helpful on tanks that can take a beating, such as heavy tanks and well armored tank destroyers.

The Armorer Skill enables the Gunner to reduce the penalty effect on accuracy that results from battle damage to a gun.


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