I feel Futurama was, is, and always will be underappreciated UnlessJack posted Ok, so I have a file from before she dies and a file from after she dies. And in my second file, I have the Highwind, so I can go anywhere. In both files, I do not have Yuffie. I'm not sure what exact steps to take to proceed now.
I've only done it once but if I remember right you need to die on the post Aeris file somewhere you want to warp to other than the world map and a few select bosses , then load up the file near Rocket Town and beat Yuffie. Once the fight is over, instead of placing you in the field where you get Yuffie, you'll instead be warped to the location where you died. You don't have to use the fight he does to do it but that's just one of the earliest points you can get Aeris back.
User Info: DynamixDJ. Firstly, spoiler tags would be appreciated. Secondly, myself and songsengnims undertook a project to obtain Aeris via Yuffie Warping while maintaining the ability to PHS her in and out of the menu. I say that we undertook the project, it was mainly song's project that I was helping with. I don't know if this applies to you but I didn't have any mods or anything installed, so if you have any it might be that.
All I can think of is that the underwater reactor is an area where Aeris shouldn't ever be or has some kind of party restictions, sometimes you cannot have certain people in your party and sometimes you must have certain people in your party. For example you can't have Aeris when you first go to the city of the ancheints but you must have her in your party while in the temple of the ancheints. Perhaps the underwater reactor is one of the areas she can't ever go.
At many points in the game and underwater reactor your party is forced to speak to each other. The dialog changes between charecters slighty, just like when Aeris dies each charecter has their own uniqe action hand on Clouds shoulder for Barret, holwing for Nanaki, etc , each charecter has thier own uniqe dialog.
So I wouldn't use her for any story progression, it might work, but definatly save on a safe file before you try it. TL;DR: Any mods you may have might interfere, but I would just leave her out of the party untill you have finished the underwater reactor, once you make it back to the world map try again, I just logged in on the world map and it let me put her in my party.
Our just use the mod tool black chocobo and yeah. John View Profile View Posts. People still belive stuff like this? Originally posted by Hinsy :. Last edited by Axz ; 22 Jun, am. Savathos View Profile View Posts.
Complete and utter BS. Aeris cannot be revived without cheating, period. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 3 Feb, am. She will mention the resurrect spell which you should already have , and will tell you to go to the Ancient City, which is your next destination. Retrieve Cait Sith from the children and proceed.
At the city, go to the spot where Bugenhagen inserted the key the waterfall with the crystal in the middle of it and enter the waterfall. Here, Cloud will remember what Aeris told him, and will take the Revive materia out of his pocket or wherever it was at the time. He will mutter, "I never got to tell you Composing himself, Cloud will place the materia on the pedestal in the center of the waterfall and kneel before it in prayer.
The materia glows brightly and begins to shimmer with a green light. It then turns into a ball of light and shatters. In front of Cloud, the crystal glows so brightly that he must hide his eyes from it. When the light goes down again, Cloud looks up and sees a ghostly image of Aeris, which tells him to go back to Midgar and enter the Church.
At the church, the image of Aeris will appear again, but this time it will not vanish. Your group inspects the flower bed, and Aeris gets up and walks towards you. It is then that you notice that she is not a ghost. As if to answer your unspoken question, Aeris looks at Cloud and says, "Don't worry, Cloud, it really is me Maybe now we can do all those things that we never finished the first time around I haven't tried the whole rumor, so go to it, it could work! Well who knows.
If anyone has done this e-mail Reno. I doubt it could be done though The Classic Process This was probably one of the first revival processes to get out First off, you must be nice to Aeris throughout the game whenever you have a choice.
When you come to the old man in the pipe in Midgar, you supposedly can let Aeris care for him to make him feel better. You later see a sad scene of the man dying. You talk to the man outside the pipe, anonymously called the "General", and he says how sad he is that that "nice girl" died. He says he may be able to help you, and sends you to Wall Market to pick up a Revival potion. You take it to Aeris' grave to bring her back. This rumor was later denied by the creator himself, a supposed Square employee.
Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes.
I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily.
Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her.
You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance. Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. A simple quest. You then see a scene with his friend dying.
A sad scene. You explain that she has died, by Sephiros, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle where Aeris died. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit.
If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr.
With this orb, Bugen Hagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. Many theories have circulated about a way to revive Aeris, and some are quite incredulous, as they include some impossible or otherwise ludicrous tasks that simply waste one's time. For example, it has been said that to prevent Aeris from dying you need to have her level 4 Limit Break and have her ready to use it before she leaves your party for the Temple of the Ancients this has been proven to be wrong.
However, one of the most famous theories was widely spread and widely believed is that, if you level up the cure materia enough, you can learn the "restore" spell. Then you have to find the one-of-a-kind "underwater" materia - then and only then can one revive Aeris. This theory was readily believed because the person who spoke about it claimed he worked for Squaresoft. The person who spread the theory in the first place even tried to retract his statement.
Another popular rumor which still circulates involves the following criteria: You must be mean to Tifa throughout the game. You must never have her in your party after you can change it freely.