Civ 5 why denounce

The same basic effect as when a civ denounces you. Your allies may join with you in denouncing them and might attack them, and your relationship with the denounced civ and possibly their allies suffers and they may retaliate. War on their allies; war on unallied city-states; taking most of the useful territory on a shared continent; otherwise getting too far ahead of them.

Generally anything unfavorable for them, since the AI is stacked against the human player. It's very hard to keep track of all those notifications from memory, so you can see if Bismarck is very unpopular in the world and avoid DoF'ing with him.

Denounce him instead, and you'll get a boost with everyone else who has done so, and can then sign Declarations of Friendship en masse for later Research Agreements and a peaceful game - so long as he isn't your neighbor. All known Civs can be interacted with, simply by clicking on a City or clicking the Civ in the Diplomacy panel. Trade Trade is healthy for your relationship with another Civ and is the easiest Diplomatic bonus to receive. Your offer on the right, their offer on the left.

It is wise to trade off any extra copies of a Luxury you have, as you only benefit from one copy and any sitting around are being wasted. Trade Deals last for 30 turns on standard speed, so any Gold Per Turn can be multiplied by 30 to know the total for the arrangement. They often treat you worse when it's going the other way and demand more gold per turn than this, even if you are Friendly with one another.

Through Trade, you may even sell or buy Cities from other Civilizations for massive amounts of Gold and Resources. This is helpful when you won a City through War that you do not really need and don't mind having them having control of it.

Sell it to a Friend and reap the reward. Demand This opens a one-sided Trade Screen where you demand of the other Civ. You're not able to ask for help as they are, unfortunately - that is their equivalent of a Demand. You must have a strong Military compared to the other Civ to do this, and their location closer, further is likely a factor in determining if they will accept your demand, as well as just what you've requested of them.

On the flip side, when they ask for help and you oblige, you get a boost to relations for a large number of turns. If you decline, it will provide a negative for a time. Making a demand of them, however, will harm relations whether they accept or not. If you know they've Denounced them or the other Civ is otherwise disliked, you just may get an ally and a huge diplomatic boost for fighting against a common foe.

Very handy when you need to stop a Civ that is a threat to you, or you're speaking with another Warmonger and might each take your share. The target Civ may back out of the War easier and give you a nice deal for a Peace Treaty once you've brought down a good portion of their units, given they will be looking at the military power of both Civilizations and fear being conquered.

Publicly Denounce : Denounces the Civ, which will let you gain a boost with other Civs who have done the same. Naturally, they won't like this, but it's a part of Civ Politics. You are privy to this information on the Diplomacy screen, which was discussed above.

They must like you and not think you are weak or technologically inept, it also depends a lot on whether that leader has a high score in the willingness department. This boosts relations between you. Early Declarations of Friendship are valuable, for you can get more Gold overall from a lump sum than per turn in a trade agreement! As stated above, this also allows Research Agreements and Defensive Pacts. Share Intrigue from Spy : When you have a Spy in another Civ's Capital you may learn of their "plans" which often don't happen, but perhaps due to changing conditions.

This option only appears just after that's happened, so it's worthwhile to pay attention to those notifications! Sharing this information with the Civ who is being plotted against can earn you a Diplomatic Boost for a time. Stop Spying : Asks them to stop spying on you, which will require Military strength and that may not even be enough if they call your bluff. Sometimes effective when you notice a Civ is stealing a lot of Tech - but the other Civ will not like that you've made them stop.

It is essentially a demand. Very handy if you have a military, again, so important to have a decent Military to get other Civs to cooperate. This will sometimes get them to divert a Settler going for a prime spot you were planning to take for yourself, or lands you hope to claim through Culture's natural border expansion.

This may get them to stop, but like all Demands, they will not like it and you will suffer a penalty for a time. Use the Diplomacy Tab to get a glimpse of your standing with all known Civs. Hovering over them will tell you all factors impacting your Relationship unless Deceptive Civilization 5 features a variety of Relationship Levels, which can be seen on the Diplomacy interface in the top right. Simply click this and you will be able to see your current standing with all known Civilizations.

Hovering over them will show you the current factors impacting your relationship and how they got to that level. Bright green indicates a strong positive modifier, light a weak one. Bright red means they are quite upset over that factor, while a lighter shade is less of a worry - but these small things can all add up. The game does not directly give you the information on how many points you are getting for these, but you can have a general idea based on the stated Relationship Level with you and balance of these colors.

Even still, Civs may turn from Friend to Enemy in the blink of an eye if they are being Deceptive or they come to the conclusion they want one or more of your Cities. Here are the Relationship Levels I've noted during my many hundreds of hours playing Civ 5 and some general information about each:. Negative is better, and everything is added to determine your final score.

If a Civ gets to , they will state as Friendly unless they are Deceptive. You want to avoid a large positive score, which generally means War if they are capable of attacking you Military comparison and many, many other factors to AI decision-making as you can see in the link I shared near the top.

Now that we've covered interacting with other Civilizations, Trade Deals, and the Relationship Levels you may have with them, we can look at the various factors that cause Diplomatic Boosts and Penalties that can make you friends or cause you trouble in the future as they add up.

I have compiled my list from using XML data and my own notes while playing many games. There may be more to this, but I will not label the list exhaustive. These are the big ones and should be enough to help you manage your relationships with other Civs. A lot of the information presented here has a lot more complexity to it - Civs taking a certain approach toward you relationship level will react differently to certain events.

From gameplay data, negative is actually good while positive is bad. Think of it as a build up of points where once you reach a certain threshold and the AI finds the conditions favorable, they will Denounce or Declare War on you.

The system is complex as you can see if you view the link by Putmalk that I posted near the beginning of this article. Having a really low score is almost a low score of hatred, so I will avoid confusing myself while tabulating this information and stick with the negative is good and positive is bad as presented in the XML data. Some of these factors decay over time - such as trading recently, and providing help to an AI.

This means the effect decreases slightly with each turn. The more cities you capture or times you declare war, the higher this number will be. It can grow so high that you never escape the penalties within a normal-length game. Hovering over the AI will say how strongly they feel about Warmongering, and how they are taking your actions - from believing it's a growing concern to that you are a Warmongering menace to the World.

Each City you take can bump it up a bit, depending on how many Cities the other Empire has fewer Cities is a bigger penalty for taking one. It also depends on how badly that Civ hates Warmongering, based on their WarmongerHatred score.

As stated before, Civs vary in how they approach these things in any given game, and one may roll an extreme hatred of Warmongers while usually having a rating. These penalties can very, very slowly decay over the course of a game. Also, if a Civ does not know you yet, they don't know about your Warmongering, so Civilizations on another Continent or on the other side of a Pangaea may have no idea you are beating on the weak.

However, if you make a promise that your troops are not on their borders for War, then break that promise and invade them, every Civ in the game will know if this treachery whether they have been met or not - so never do this if you do not want a big hit that lasts the whole game.

Things we can Learn from this List All these factors are combined and give a final score, which will determine a Civ's stance with you. Civs have different thresholds before they will Declare War, Denounce, and how willing they are to sign Declarations of Friendship.

Having many good modifiers may snowball to allow you to sign a DoF, get them with their friends, and lead to good relations with multiple Civs whom you can sign Research Agreements with and don't have to worry about as far as War.

Likewise, getting in the negative and having a Denouncement or multiple Denouncements against you can make things turn sour quickly and lead to War. One more negative action by you could tip the scales at any time, so if you are playing peaceful and don't have a large military this is important to know.

It's better to ignore a Civ's request you stop if you're going to continue your bad behavior spying, settling, converting than to make a promise and break it, in all cases. See which way the wind is blowing, and choose a side that is safe. Distant Civs' war threats are less dangerous than a neighbor's. You should know that it's generally safe to steal at least one Artifact and Tech per Civ - then either keep your promise or ignore them and continue if you are stronger than them.

Not many of these give you a bad reputation with other Civs, just the Civ in question. Stealing Artifacts from City-States is fine, but know that building a landmark in their lands will give you a boost to your Influence.

Not many bad modifiers go away, while good relations must be maintained. Trade Deals end, Denunciations go away, Dofs go away, etc. Use this information to help you accrue positive modifiers and keep them active, for you can see there are many, many more things you can do wrong than you can do to boost relations. Trade, help them when possible. Give their proposal one vote, don't propose things in the World Congress that will anger certain Civs. Share your Diplomacy Tips Use the Comments form below to share your tips about improving relations with the AI, offsetting Warmonger penalties, and otherwise interacting and trading with Civilizations.

By doing so, you will help the many readers of this Guide and contribute to another player's knowledge and help them improve their play. Our Sims Forum is the place to go for faster answers to questions and discussions about the game.

Use the form below to share your own experiences and provide helpful tips to other readers. AI Flavors - Their Tendencies and How That Affects Your Gameplay While your actions and situation and how they impact relationships are what I'll be able to show you, your Civilization's progress in Technological advancement, Economy, and Military might may all be factored into how the AI treats you in regard to what they will accept in Trade deals, DoW, and how willing they are to sign a DoF with you.

Pressing F4 will give you useful information on the current Political situation You can access this handy area through the Diplomacy Tab's Diplomacy Overview button or by simply pressing F4.

You have four options here - Trade, Demand, Discuss, and Declare War: Trade Trade is healthy for your relationship with another Civ and is the easiest Diplomatic bonus to receive. There are a number of other options under the Trade menu: Accept Embassy : Shows the location of each player's Capital. You can sell your Embassy for 1 Gold per Turn in the early game to each Civ you meet, but it may also lead them to knowing where you are - they don't until this occurs or they scout you.

Open Borders : Requires both Civs to accept an Embassy. This opens borders allowing passage through lands, but also increases Tourism Generation between Civs, and lets Missionaries to enter those lands without suffering Attrition. Started by Small-Change Oct 7, Replies: Graphics Cards. Question My Ti 4GB had some smoke coming from it. Can it be repaired? News Comments. Started by madartzgraphics Today at AM Replies: 3.

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