In the large lecture hall of an international meeting like the EGU General Assembly, the audience may be weighted towards less experience in your field, whereas a special meeting focused on your subject area will likely have a higher percentage of experts.
A related point is that you should avoid all but the most straightforward equations. The reality is that any audience member who does not already understand the equation is not going to understand it from your talk. There is not enough time, and the medium is not amenable to higher level math. Simple equations with a couple variables are okay, but anything with multiple terms, powers, derivatives, etc. Interpretations and Conclusions Honestly, most people are pretty good at this part.
This is the most fun and exciting aspect of the talk, plus it means the end is near. A couple minor pieces of advice: a make sure you have drawn a clear path from the background through the analyses and into the interpretations, with the common thread being answering your research question; and b I think it is best to limit the number of conclusions to consider this in the preliminary design stage of the talk as well!
In a nutshell: make them big, use good color schemes and large fonts, and keep them uncluttered. Resist the urge to copy figures straight from papers to your talk. You will probably need to simplify a figure from the published version in order to make it optimal for your talk. Sometimes you just need to design and produce a totally new figure.
In terms of slide layout, use the whole slide. Borders, icons, and backgrounds can be pretty flourishes, but they take up valuable real estate. Every centimeter you use for a border is a centimeter you can no longer use for a making a figure nice and big. And remember there will be people, some with poor eyesight, in the back of the room.
As on figures, limit the amount of text. When you do need labels or bullet points, use a classic, simple font I will scream if I see Comic Sans one more time… in a large size — I typically use no smaller than point font Helvetica. Many of my suggestions are more like guidelines than hard rules. I enjoy seeing creative and innovative presentations. As long as you give yourself enough time to craft an excellent presentation, then take time to practice it in front of friends, it will turn out well.
Hopefully we will all see a large collection of great talks in the next few meetings. See you there! Checklist Remember: the goal of the talk is for your audience to understand your science! Your email address will not be published.
Search all blogs Search this blog only. Eye contact is an important nonverbal social cue because it projects confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness.
The power of eye contact can even be seen with inanimate objects. Avoiding eye contact is an attempt to hide something like social awkwardness, interest, or attraction maybe they like you. Often people avoid eye contact or exaggerate eye contact when lying. They are afraid of being exposed. Eye movement is driven emotionally and unconsciously. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.
Press ESC to cancel. Keep in mind that according to the National Center for Voice and Speech , the average rate of conversational talk in the US is around words per minute wpm , which means that balancing content, the number of words and reading speed does matter when preparing your speech.
Whether you are preparing content for a speech presentation for a business meeting, a graduation celebration of a wedding, the content does matter. While speaking in public does require a good amount of confidence, when you prepare yourself in advance, you will empower yourself with tools that will assure you are ready for it.
With your speech, your main goal is to engage with your audience, catch their attention and delivery a message that will convey your idea in a clear and effective way. Here are some tips to help:. In order to engage with your audience, try to include personal stories, share your personal experiences and do not feel constrained to share your personal opinion.
Good luck, you got this! What do you think about our Convert Speech Words to Minutes tool? Was it helpful? We want to hear from you. Convert Speech Words to Minutes How long will my speech be? How many words are in 1 minute speech? How long does a word speech take?
You can find your word count by copying and pasting your speech in Wordcounter.