What is the difference between gradual divergence and punctuated equilibrium

Layers of their fossils would appear similar for a long time. When a change in the environment takes place—such as a drop in the water level—a small number of organisms are separated from the rest in a brief period of time, essentially forming one large and one tiny population.

The tiny population faces new environmental conditions. Because its gene pool quickly became so small, any variation that surfaces and that aids in surviving the new conditions becomes the predominant form. Improve this page Learn More. Skip to main content. Module 3: History of Life. Search for:. Rates of Speciation Learning Outcomes Explain the two major theories on rates of speciation.

Practice Question Which of the following statements is false? Punctuated equilibrium is most likely to occur in a small population that experiences a rapid change in its environment. Over only a few generations, the whole population was born striped. A combination: Here is one idea of how tigers could have gotten their stripes by both gradualism and punctuated equilibrium: A mutation had a huge affect, causing distinct, stripe-like markings.

These were then gradually "polished up" into stripes. The idea of punctuated equilibrium originated long after the idea of gradualism. Darwin saw evolution as being "steady, slow, and continuous". Later, scientists were studying fossils and they found that some species have their evolution almost "mapped out" in fossils. For others they found a few, very different species along the evolutionary course, but very few or no fossils of "in between" organisms.

Also, when dating the fossils, scientists saw that in some species change was very slow, but in others, it must have occurred rapidly to be able to produce such change over such a short amount of time. The scientists reasoned that there had to be another way that evolution could have happened that was quicker and had fewer intermediate species, so the idea of punctuated equilibrium was formed.

New England Complex Systems Institute. Sign In My Account. Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium. View fullsize. Evolution home. It may be possible, in the future, to untangle the evolutionary genetic changes that cause a change to the phenotype and those that do not and study these individually for their contribution to punctuational evolution.

At the same time, as it stands, it is important to be clear that our results do not provide either evidence for or against stasis at the morphological level.

How are we to reconcile these punctuational bursts with conventional Darwinian accounts of evolution? Two well-established mechanisms for speciation may provide answers. One makes use of what biologists call founder effects. The other invokes rapid evolutionary change as species enter new niches. When a species acquires a trait that allows it to exploit some new feature of the environment, it can be said that it occupies a new environmental niche.

The species may then show rapid changes in other traits as it adapts to this new niche. Small populations sometimes break from a large ancestral one and form a new population. This might happen if some of the individuals in a group move to a new area or if some geological event occurs to separate them.

If the separation between the two is maintained, in time this new population may form a new species. In this situation, chance can play an important role in which alleles or variant forms of a gene are represented in this new population. In most populations there will be several different forms or alleles of the same gene found among its members. If a new population is formed from a small sample the proportion of alleles present can be different from the ancestral group.

Think of a group of individuals wearing red or white hats where the colour of a hat signifies the presence of a particular variant of a gene. If we randomly sampled a small number of these individuals, all might have the same hat color. But if we sampled a large number of them, we would almost certainly include people with hats of both colors.

In small populations, an allele is more likely simply as a result of chance to go to fixation —all members of the population will come to have it—than the same allele in a large population. This process of the random fixation of alleles is known as genetic drift and it is one of the ways that isolated groups of organisms acquire genetic differences. In , the well-known evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr proposed that speciation often occurs following the formation of small isolated populations.

For our purposes, it is intriguing that the effect of drift is greatest in small groups and rapidly declines as population size increases. If, when new species form, they often begin as a small and isolated population, this gives us the ingredients for a punctuational pattern of evolution.

That is, we expect that for a short period of time the rate of evolution will be accelerated owing to the effects of chance and genetic drift. The second general mechanism is adaptive evolution as species invade a new ecological niche. Consider, for example, that a population of a moth species finds itself living among flowers or plants of a different color to those normally encountered by the original or ancestral moth population. We might expect natural selection to favor individual moths in this new population whose appearance better matches the background, as they will avoid predation.

Over time, this process may cause the population to become a new, and differently camouflaged, species. If occupying a new or different niche commonly attends speciation, then we might expect to see a transient increase in rate of evolutionary change as this adaptive process occurs. This increase is transient because over the longer term, as the new species becomes better adapted to its new surroundings, the rate will slow.

Both these mechanisms rely on fast and continued reproductive isolation. This means the two populations stop interbreeding migration between them is very low. Recently, evolutionary biologists have found that rapid reproductive isolation is more common than previously thought Culotta and Pennisi and it is often associated with what is known as sympatric speciation or speciation between populations which share the same geographical range. Many of the mechanisms which can cause this rapid reproductive isolation are more common in plants and perhaps fungi than animals and therefore may go some way in explaining the differences we have observed in the frequency of punctuational evolution among these groups.

Looking around us, it may be that punctuational bursts of evolution are responsible for the surprising morphological diversity between some very closely related groups. Among the 80 or so species of the Andean genus Lupinus Hughes and Eastwood —a flowering plant directly related to the common garden Lupine—some are over 12 ft 3. Some are tree like; others are herbs and others yet take the form of small bushes.

Similarly, Lake Tanganyika in central Africa supports a diverse radiation of the cichlid fish of the genus Tropheus Egger et al. This radiation, beginning just one million years ago, is thought to have produced the numerous lineages, with diverse morphology, we see today. Detecting punctuational evolution at the molecular level, then, does not mean that Darwin got it wrong; likewise, it does not require a reevaluation of modern evolutionary theory.

Conventional neo-Darwinian ideas such as natural selection and random drift can explain these bursts of evolution.

What is interesting about punctuational effects is that speciation itself may be an important factor in increasing the rate of evolutionary change. The evolutionary changes could still accumulate in small steps, but these steps are taken more quickly at the time of speciation.

As is often the case with matters of evolution, Charles Darwin was among the first to realize that language and species might evolve in a similar way. Researchers today generally agree that many of the principal characteristics of linguistic evolution are analogous to those of species or biological evolution. In a similar way to morphological characters and gene sequences of species, languages have heritable units that can be passed to subsequent generations and may be subject to forces similar to natural selection, mutation and genetic drift Atkinson et al.

It is possible to derive a phylogenetic tree of languages based on the similarities and differences in vocabulary. Such trees can inform us about the evolutionary history of a particular language family. In these trees, the branches that separate the nodes are measured in units of lexical replacement acquisition of novel words ; the nodes themselves represent language-splitting events, the linguistic equivalent to a speciation event.

We recently Atkinson et al. We found evidence in all cases for punctuational bursts of language evolution associated with the formation of new languages. The rate of language evolution and factors affecting it has been discussed by linguists for many years.

Kirch and Green suggested that the movement of Polynesians inhabiting Pacific islands might have caused an increased rate of language evolution owing to the many and successive founder events to which such island hopping would have led. These founder events are the linguistic equivalent of genetic founder events. The Polynesian languages are a subset of the Austronesian tree. It seems, then, that at least some punctuational bursts of language evolution may arise from founder effects.

However, language may be useful for things other than mere communication. Linguists have long viewed language as a facilitator for group cohesion and identity. These new spellings appeared almost instantaneously and have persisted to this day. Speciation frequently seems to act as a driving force for molecular evolution, a phenomenon that has often been overlooked by biologists. Further, the analysis of language data shows that the search for punctuational effects can also move outside biology.

What are traditionally biological techniques, including phylogenetics, are gaining momentum in other disciplines, such as anthropology and archaeology. Ford proposed that cultural change is often reflected in cultural artifacts, and he illustrated the point by noting changes in ceramic vessels over time. In principal, cultural phylogenetic trees could be studied for punctuational evolution.

If the evolution of the cultural artifacts is characterised by descent with modification, such analyses would be justified. In fact, if a meaningful phylogeny can be inferred from data derived from them, it goes some way in showing that cultural evolution often proceeds in a manner analogous to biological evolution. The theory of punctuated equilibrium was originally proposed to explain morphological evolution observed in the fossil record.

To our knowledge, there is no phylogenetic research that has demonstrated bursts of morphological evolution, but the methodology we have used is new and we look forward to investigators applying it to morphological characters in the future.

The study of punctuational evolution represents an area of great potential research which might connect disparate branches of evolutionary biology and perhaps disciplines beyond.

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