When you view a web page, the web page is downloaded and stored in your RAM. Image Credit: Glenn Batuyong on Flickr. This file is a form of virtual memory. Image Credit: Honou on Flickr. You can also try freeing up memory — for example, by getting rid of useless programs running in the background. Some people will tell you that you should disable the page file to speed up your computer.
However, disabling the page file can result in some bad things. This can also cause problems when running software that requires a large amount of memory, such as virtual machines. Some programs may even refuse to run.
However, if you want to adjust your page file settings, you can do so from the Advanced System Settings window. Windows automatically manages your page file settings by default. Most users should leave these settings alone and allow Windows to make the best decision for you. However, one tweak that may help in some situations is moving the page file to another drive.
If you have two separate hard drives in your computer, assuming one is the system drive with your programs installed on it and one is a less-used data drive, moving the page file to the data drive can potentially offer some increased performance when your page file is in-use.
Assuming that Windows will already be using the system drive if it needs to use the page file, this spreads out the hard drive activity instead of concentrating it on one drive. Note that this will only help if you actually have two separate hard drives in your computer.
In summary, the page file is an essential part of Windows. Browse All iPhone Articles Browse All Mac Articles Do I need one? Browse All Android Articles The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1. Topics Operating Systems. See all comments Why would you adjust the size of the page file? Why would the amount of ram you have present dictate the size you should set your page file to?
Download Trial. Buy Now. Troubleshooting If your paging file size is not sufficient for your needs, you can seek one of three solutions: 1. One of these three solutions should resolve your paging file problems: 1. Sign up for our newsletter! Download Trial Buy Now.
Virtual memory is simulated RAM. Having enough available space is absolutely necessary for virtual memory and RAM to function properly. Virtual memory performance can be improved automatically by freeing up resources in the registry. Click Settings under Performance. Click the Advanced tab, and click Change under Virtual Memory. Select the drive to use to store the paging file.
You do not need to set a page file on each drive. If all drives are separate, physical drives, then you can get a small performance boost from this, though it would likely be negligible.