I, you, he, she, it, we, they Objective pronouns - The person is the object of the sentence. These often follow words like "to," "for," or "by" me, you, him, her, it, us, them Possessive pronouns - Something in your sentence belongs to the person.
Pronoun development from age Subjective pronouns tend to develop first - these are the easiest to hear at the beginning of sentences, and immediately relevant to young children. Specifically, personal pronouns that help your child refer to themselves and their desires tend to be the very first. You might see those very first personal pronouns I, me, my developing in the later First Words stage, with many more pronouns developing in the Word Combiner and Full Sentences stages.
Though, as always, developmental ranges are wide, included below is a rough idea of the developmental order of pronouns, to give you an idea of what to focus on first with your child. The following are milestones for English, and may vary across other languages depending on the structure of those languages and what pronouns they use most frequently. How to help your child say I, you, and other pronouns. Use normal pronouns when speaking to your child.
Instead of saying "Mommy do it" or "Daddy's turn," say this as you would to an adult, emphasizing the pronoun word: " I can do it! Add gestures. Take your child's perspective. If you notice your child having difficulty with this, model the sentence in the way you would like them to say it. If you want them to ask you for help with something, try, " help ME " while gesturing toward yourself and see if your child will imitate you. For children who will tolerate it, it can help to add a hand-over-hand cue.
Keep in mind that these stages are ranges, and the ranges are approximate. Individual babies, toddlers, and children achieve different skills at different times within the range. Some features of language development are listed below for each developmental stage. Language is generally divided in to two categories: receptive and expressive.
Receptive language is essentially understanding the expressions and words of others. Children begin to develop this skill first. As children improve their language skills, they tend to understand more than they can say. In other words, their receptive language is almost always better than their expressive language. Even if your toddler knows that Mom's a girl and Dad's a boy, she probably doesn't know when to say he, she, him, her and it.
Here's how to help your child start using pronouns. Why toddlers have a tough time using pronouns Your toddler's language development is still a work in progress.
More In This Series. Understanding Toddler Words. More on Toddler Communication. View Sources. NIH U.