Trying to conceive? We use your health information to make our site even more helpful. By clicking the button, you agree to our policies and to get emails from us. Join BabyCentre. Sign up to receive free emails and track your baby's development. Track my baby. Most popular in Baby. See all in Community. See all in Getting Pregnant. Your midwife or doctor will give you information about the ultrasound scan you'll be offered at 18 to 20 weeks. You'll be offered an ultrasound scan to check the physical development of your baby.
This is also known as the week scan. Screening for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B will be offered again by a specialist midwife if you opted not to have it earlier in pregnancy. These tests are recommended as they greatly reduce the risk of passing infection from you to your baby. From 16 weeks, you'll be offered the whooping cough vaccine. The best time to have this vaccine is after your scan, up to 32 weeks. Your midwife or doctor should give you information about preparing for labour and birth, including how to recognise active labour, ways of coping with pain in labour, and your birth plan.
Your midwife or doctor should give you information about caesarean section. Some features, tools or interaction may not work correctly. There is a total of 5 error s on this form, details are below.
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Why go to antenatal appointments? Who will I be seeing at my antenatal appointments? You may want to see your own GP first, before choosing a midwife.
What will happen during the appointments? Make an appointment. This is to make sure you have the best prenatal care plan for you and your baby. Write down your questions and bring them with you to your first appointment.
Check out our suggested list of questions here. There are many good options for over-the-counter prenatal vitamins. Look for one with at least mcg of folic acid and make sure it includes DHA, which is a supplement that can help promote brain and eye development. DHA is also found in fish, so adding low-mercury fish to your diet is beneficial for you and your baby.
Apps like myHealthyPregnancy can help you track appointments, educate yourself and provide other tools that will be useful throughout your pregnancy.