Who is the goddess of hatred

To what extent is love purely a result of these manipulations, and to what extent is it an innate human characteristic?

Terms and Names. Writing Assignment:. This is not meant to take more than class time to do, and will count as a quiz grade. Quiz : Quote identification from material since midterm through Ovid part I.

See below for the writing assignment to make up for class cancelled Thursday. Some people have told me that they did not receive the email with the assignment. Therefore it is OK to turn in the assignment on Thursday. Read Book I. Be prepared to describe the content of the sections you choose to the class. For Thursday: Virgil Excerpts part I This version of all Virgil readings is incomplete not all introductions are completed but if you want to get started on it, here it is.

Tuesday, March 29 and Thursday, March Metamorphoses I discussion questions. Cicero, On Friendship De Amicitia. Change in reading assignments: We will begin with Catullus Tuesday and other Latin Poets Thursday , continue with Cicero et alii on love Tuesday after break and then Plautus Thursday after break.

Catullus One of the most personable, accessible, funny, nasty, obscene, and lyrical of the poets of antiquity Catullus, Atthis this is new and not linked from the assignments page Thursday:.

In the Lesbia poems, what impression do you get of this relationship? Clearly many different feelings toward Lesbia are expressed, and in no particular order in terms of the arrangement of the poems. Do you get the sense of the progression of a real relationship, or of feelings changing within a less unstable relationship, or What role does friendship play in Catullus' persona as seen in the poems?

How does Catullus compare with Archilochus in terms of his views of friendship, enmity, and women? In the Attis poem, we see the results of religious passion. Is this sort of passion always this dangerous? What if any is the proper relationship between men and gods? Catullus Translation Page This site collects translations of Catullus in various languages from translators all over the world.

It is the source of many of the ones used in our excerpts. VRoma Catullus resource Know Latin? Then this page is for you OK, even if you don't Poems read with commentary: Translation, discussion, poem read in Latin:. Catullus 5 Lesbia. Catullus on his brother's death.

Plato, Symposium: A symposium in ancient Greece was a drinking party. The guests were all men, except when hetaerae were invited. The host or host and guests together, as here established how strong the wine was going to be, and each member of the symposium might have to contribute something for shared amusement -- a song, perhaps, or in the wilder kind, his shot at kottabos throwing his wine lees at a target in the middle of the room or, as in this case, an improptu speech.

The philosopher Plato wrote this in the 's BCE, through a conversation that happened in the 's, about an event that had happened some 20 years before. There are layers in the narrative that match the layers of time: written by Plato, supposedly informed by the unnamed man who discusses it with Apollodorus, who had it from Aristodemus, who was there, but who was asleep for most of it; Socrates speech frames one he attributes to the hetaera Diotima.

Midterm overview and essays This link explains it all. Discussion Topics The speeches about love by the 5 guests who speak before Socrates show very different perspectives on it. Consider: Is love understood as cosmic or human or both? Are there different kinds of love?

What does the speaker use to support his view of love? Does love have limitations in who can feel or express it? Is our distinction of "love vs. How does the audience receive each piece?

Does Plato present Socrates' speech as "right"? Why does Plato bring Alcibiades into it so late -- does this give his commentary on love any special significance? Euripides, Medea : We'll continue with Medea and go over the "character scenarios" from the last class. Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazousae Athenian comedy was obscene, slapstick, and oriented toward political and personal satire.

In this play, women who are going to celebrate the all-female festival of Thesmophoria are infiltrated by Euripides' father-in-law in drag, whose mission is to keep them from harming Euripides because of his unfavorable portrayals of women. Discussion Topics We're reading Thesmophoriazeuai not so much for personal expressions of love or hate, or even personal realtionships, but for more culturally based hostility or admiration of particular people or classes of people. One of the key themes in this play is gender violations -- women in public space doing manly things, a normal heterosexual man in drag, and effeminate playwright Where is mockery delivered, and against whom, and for what reasons?

Is this hostile, or are there hostile elements? Does it signal tensions that might reflect cultural controversies? Euripides, Medea : Euripides was probably introduced the version of the Medea myth in which Medea kills her own children as revenge on Jason.

But this is the one everyone remembers! Medea was one of the most significant female figures in Greek mythology, playing a role in several myth cycles, and even ending up married to Achilles in Elysium a heroic afterlife something like paradise.

Discussion Topics Medea Discussion Questions pdf : These are "position statements," giving brief interpretations of the characters of Jason and Medea and their roles in the play. Be prepared to support any of them with references to speeches and actions, and to formulate an interpretation of the play that includes a nuanced interaction between these central characters.

The Protevi study guide is a quick outline listing the choruses and episodes and their subjets a little interpretation included. Continuation of Agamemnon and Choephoroi. NOTE the discussion topic for Thursday this class requires structured preparation; see below. Introduction to the Oresteia. Aeschylus, Agamamnon Aeschylus was the earliest of the Athenian dramatists of the 5th century BCE, whose plays defined drama in the Western world. Plays wer epresented in trilogies, and while most trilogies dealth with different topics, Aeschylus' Oresteia of which Agamenon and Choephoroi are the first two segments deal with the same topic: the cursed family of the house of Atreus.

Agamemnon deals with the return home of Agamemnon, leader of the Trojan War expedition, and his murder by his estranged wife, Clytemnestra. Aeschylus, Choephoroi The tale continues with the return home of Agamemnon's exiled son Orestes, and his murder of his mother and her lover in revenge for their murder of his father. If she threw it among friends, their friendship quickly ended.

If she threw it among enemies, war would break out. Essentially an action of Erida led to the Trojan War. Zeus was giving a wedding for Peleus, a young king of Thessaly, and Thetis, a beautiful Nereid. All the gods and goddesses were invited to the wedding except Erida. She was furious so she threw one of her golden apples of discord into the crowd of guests and shouted, "The fairest of the goddesses shall have it!

The wedding broke up and the goddesses went back to Olympus still in discord. Your email address will not be published. Thanatos, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, the personification of death.

Thanatos was the son of Nyx, the goddess of night, and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep. He appeared to humans to carry them off to the underworld when the time allotted to them by the Fates had expired.

Who is Eros mom? Eros Parents Ares and Aphrodite, or Chaos as primordial god. Who killed Medusa? What is an apple of discord in Greek mythology? Thus, "apple of discord" is used to signify the core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.

Is Zeus evil in God of War? Zeus and Ares believed the destruction of Olympus would come at the hands of Kratos' brother Deimos, so they had Deimos imprisoned and tortured by Thanatos.

Who was the most evil Greek god? In Greek mythology, Hades, the god of the underworld, was the first-born son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Who is the Roman messenger god?


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