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Intelligence, 29 5 , — The impact of childhood intelligence on later life: Following up the Scottish mental surveys of and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86 1 , — Duncan, J.
A neural basis for general intelligence. Science, , — Eigsti, I. Predicting cognitive control from preschool to late adolescence and young adulthood. Psychological Science, 17 6 , — Ericsson, K. The scientific study of expert levels of performance: General implications for optimal learning and creativity. High Ability Studies, 9 1 , 75— Feldman-Barrett, L.
The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence. Flynn, J. Searching for justice: The discovery of IQ gains over time. American Psychologist, 54 1 , 5— Intelligence, 37 1 , 94— Frey, M. Scholastic assessment or g? The relationship between the scholastic assessment test and general cognitive ability. Psychological Science, 15 6 , — Furnham, A. Personality and intelligence as predictors of creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 45 7 , — Gardner, H.
Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Garlick, D. Integrating brain science research with intelligence research. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12 5 , — Gottfredson, L. Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history and bibliography.
Intelligence, 24 1 , 13— Dissecting practical intelligence theory: Its claims and evidence. Haier, R. Brain imaging studies of personality: The slow revolution. Stelmack Ed. Intelligence and changes in regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate following learning. Intelligence, 16 3—4 , — Harms, P. Emotional intelligence and transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analysis.
Hennessey, B. Annual Review of Psychology, 61 , — Horn, J. Apprehension, memory, and fluid intelligence decline in adulthood. Research on Aging, 3 1 , 33— Huttenlocher, J. Environmental input and cognitive growth: A study using time-period comparisons. Child Development, 69 4 , — Kuncel, N. A comprehensive meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the graduate record examinations: Implications for graduate student selection and performance.
Psychological Bulletin, 1 , — Landy, F. Some historical and scientific issues related to research on emotional intelligence. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26 , — Martins, A. A comprehensive meta-analysis of the relationship between emotional intelligence and health.
Personality and Individual Differences, 49 6 , — Mayer, J. Educational policy on emotional intelligence: Does it make sense? Educational Psychology Review, 12 2 , — Models of emotional intelligence. Sternberg Ed. Emotional intelligence: New ability or eclectic traits. American Psychologist, 63 6 , — McDaniel, M. Big-brained people are smarter: A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence.
Intelligence, 33 4 , — McLoyd, V. A neural basis for general intelligence. Science, , — Eigsti, I. Predicting cognitive control from preschool to late adolescence and young adulthood. Psychological Science, 17 6 , — Ericsson, K. The scientific study of expert levels of performance: General implications for optimal learning and creativity. High Ability Studies, 9 1 , 75— Feldman-Barrett, L. The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence. Flynn, J.
Searching for justice: The discovery of IQ gains over time. American Psychologist, 54 1 , 5— Intelligence, 37 1 , 94— Frey, M. Scholastic assessment or g?
The relationship between the scholastic assessment test and general cognitive ability. Psychological Science, 15 6 , — Furnham, A. Personality and intelligence as predictors of creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 45 7 , — Gardner, H. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Garlick, D. Integrating brain science research with intelligence research.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12 5 , — Gottfredson, L. Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history and bibliography. Intelligence, 24 1 , 13— Dissecting practical intelligence theory: Its claims and evidence. Haier, R. Brain imaging studies of personality: The slow revolution.
Stelmack Ed. Intelligence and changes in regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate following learning. Intelligence, 16 3—4 , — Harms, P. Emotional intelligence and transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analysis. Hennessey, B. Annual Review of Psychology, 61 , — Horn, J.
Apprehension, memory, and fluid intelligence decline in adulthood. Research on Aging, 3 1 , 33— Huttenlocher, J. Environmental input and cognitive growth: A study using time-period comparisons. Child Development, 69 4 , — Kuncel, N. A comprehensive meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the graduate record examinations: Implications for graduate student selection and performance.
Psychological Bulletin, 1 , — Landy, F. Some historical and scientific issues related to research on emotional intelligence. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26 , — Martins, A. A comprehensive meta-analysis of the relationship between emotional intelligence and health.
Personality and Individual Differences, 49 6 , — Mayer, J. Educational policy on emotional intelligence: Does it make sense? Educational Psychology Review, 12 2 , — Models of emotional intelligence. Sternberg Ed. Emotional intelligence: New ability or eclectic traits. American Psychologist, 63 6 , — McDaniel, M. Big-brained people are smarter: A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence. Intelligence, 33 4 , — McLoyd, V.
Children in poverty: Development, public policy and practice. Damon, I. Renninger Eds. Mischel, W. Willpower in a cognitive-affective processing system: The dynamics of delay of gratification.
Neisser, U.